Thursday, May 1, 2008

Amy's Read One Book Challenge

According to a survey by the National Endowment for the Arts, 53% of Americans surveyed did not read one book last year. Well the truth is, I more than make up for them. Just kidding.

That got me to thinking...there are so many challenges in the blogosphere related to books and I'd like to do one for those who are maybe not so bookish.

It's called the Read One Book Challenge. Here are my rules.

1) Read one book you have never read before by December 31st, 2008.
2) This book must not be a children's book that you are reading to your kids. It must be a book for you.
3) This book may not be part of work related research. This book is for you.
4) It can be fiction or nonfiction.
5) Please leave a comment telling me you're joining in and write a post linking back to this post to invite others to join in as well (if you have a blog, if not just leave a comment!).
6) For bonus points, spend an evening at a Barnes and Noble, Borders, or local independent bookshop browsing through books. (apparently there's a huge percentage of people who don't go to bookstores, either)
7) When you've completed your book write a post about it and I'll link to it here!

If you are like me and read 2-4 books a week, please still join in though you'll probably complete the challenge a lot faster than others. One ten dollar Amazon gift card will be awarded through random drawing to a person who signs up and completes the challenge on time.

PS I would really love a little button for this, but don't know how to make one! If someone would help me out with this, I'd be thrilled! I could maybe even pay a very little bit of money!


Krista said...

Ooo, me! I'm with you, I'll finish this challenge easily! I'm kind of at the point of one book a week, which I think is a good balance for my life (and considering once I start a book I usually have to finish it within about 24 hours!).
I want to take a shot at making you a button. Hopefully I'll have some time this weekend... do you have any suggestions for what you'd like?

euphrony said...

So I can't count the two tribology books I just ordered at work? Shoot!

How about this: I used to read as about as much as you, before family took over my time. So far this year I've managed to read The Count of Monte Cristo and most of Catcher in the Rye (it's rare for me to give up on a book, but I just couldn't like it and Holden annoyed me too much). Next on my list is Something Wicked This Way Comes, which I'll get a start on next weekend on a plane to Tulsa.

Thomas said...
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Thomas said...

You can count me in. I just put my order in for On the Edge of the Darkness: Adventure. Peril. Lost Jewels. And the Fearsome Toothy Cows of Skree.


Anonymous said...

I just got The Restorer's Journey, 3rd book in Sharon Hinck's Restorer trilogy, so I think I can get it done soon. I try to read several books a month :)

Threeundertwo said...

I found you through Krista's great little button on her site. I'd love to add it to my site and do your challenge so count me in. I just started The Memory Keeper's Daughter.

Anonymous said...

OK. I can do this one!

Vasilly said...

Hey, Amy. I would love to join your challenge. My goal will be to read one book that is not for any challenge, just for me.

Kristen said...

I'm in. I know I can finish this one easily (although if I take you up on the browsing the bookstore thing my husband may have to hunt you down and kill you since I'm incapable of browsing there without buying!). I'll have to think a bit on what book I want to choose for this one though.

Lena said...

I used to read 2 or 3 books a week, but with everything going on I haven't managed to finish a book lately...last one I finished on May 20th. So I'm gonna be joining in. I'll be reading the Bone Collector by Jeffery Deaver.

Anonymous said...

I am like you, Amy; I usually average 2-4 books a week, too. Right now I am doing a couple of re-reads (The Case of the Late Pig by Margery Allingham and Lord Emsworth and Others by P G Wodehouse.)Probably the book I will read for your challenge will be Mission of Gravity by Hal Clement as he is a new to me Science Fiction author. Judy

Anonymous said...

I blogged about this here. I hope I'm able to finish. (I know, I know... I'm pitiful!)

Anonymous said...

I am IN!


Anonymous said...

I sent you an email. GREAT idea!!

Krista said...

Hey, I finally got around to reading a book that wasn't part of the CFBA posting... :)
Come read about it!

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

So I am like you... an avid reader. But, I have never read everything written by a single author before, which is my latest goal. I wrote a post referring folks to "What's on My Nightstand" wherein I summarized my thoughts on The Poisonwood Bible and then committed to read everything by Barbara Kingsolver.

And... that is really sad about the 53% statistic. It is proven that children are more likely to grow up and become readers if they SEE their parents reading. I love your contest, because by getting more people to even read one book, you are influencing future readers!

Anonymous said...

I've read and written a couple. Pick your favorite one... it may be the Cholera one or the Season of the Witch. In any event, I am a new blogger and Lisa at Books on the Brain got me into it (she's my mentor). My website is it's called A Novel Menagerie. My name is Sher.

Love your site! And, I want to learn how to do buttons too!

Anonymous said...

I can not fathom not reading a book in a a a week...sad!!!! Before we completely overhaul the school system in the US lets encourage adults to read,out in the open, where children will see and realize this is a worthwhile activity! Any whoo....The Book Thief is an excellent book...I'm finishing for the second time Left to Tell--amazing book that will change you for the better :) thewordshaker

Anonymous said...

I am clearly reading enough for everyone else. :)

Seriously though, every time I hear that statistic, it makes me sad.


Anonymous said...

I think this is such a cool idea. I just moved into my rented townhouse and the landlady has a bookshelf of books! How convenient for me now. I'm to select a book.:)

Literature Crazy said...

I'll agree to participate in the challenge. The book that I'm in the throws of reading right now (13 Ways of Looking at the Novel by Jane Smiley) will be my entrance--it's the only book I'm reading now wasn't either required for a class or recommended by someone else... I found it at the library all by myself. I'll post a link to this message on my blog (

Literature Crazy said...

Hey, Euphrony,

You might want to check out the vlog brothers channel on YouTube. These two brothers create video messages and post them back and forth--they've got quite a following of "nerd fighters" who follow their antics. Anyway, one of the brothers (YA Author, John Green) does a summer book club where he challenges the channel's subscribers to read a book and then he posts a blog about the book for discussion in the comments. I blogged about this and captured each of the three part videos on this summer's book (Cather in the Rye). You can check it out here:

Jennifer said...

Count me in! I love to read and usually can barely meet my challenge of 1 book a month and Amy you read 2-4 a week? WOW!

The book I will comment on is Trespass: Living on the Edge of the Promised Land
by Amy Irvine. This was recommended by someone and it was really a great book.

Jennifer said...

I posted a link to this on my blog

Alessandra said...

I'd like to join your challenge! Here's the link to my post about it:

Vickie said...

Can totally do this one!

Bella Foxx said...
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Bella Foxx said...
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Grilsgood said...

How did I ever miss this one??? Can I still join?????


Literature Crazy said...

I finished my book... here's the review:

Bella Foxx said...
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Bella Foxx said...

I am joining this challenge, I am reading Helter Skelter. I bought it at Barnes & Noble yesterday evening, does that count as browsing for the evening?

I linked to here from my blog. Click on this link to go to my post about the challenge.

This is a re-post. I just learned how to put links in my comments.

Wyn said...

Hi Amy, this sounds like fun. I've been distracted by the books I have to read for the WILD tour and I would like to read something that's just for me. So, count me in. Looks like you've received your button thingy. I'll add it to my blog as soon as I figure out how. LOL. I am 3 1/2 hours away from a city bookstore but I was in the city last week so I spent an hour at McNally Robinson, does that count?

Wyn said...

I read The Chase by Clive Cussler. And I posted the contest on my blog

Bella Foxx said...

My one book that I chose to read for this challenge was Helter Skelter, I have never read it before although I heard a lot about it. My post with my review is here.

Jenny said...

The hard part here is which book do I count! But you said to join up anyway. I'll count the last one I finish before Dec 31.

Anonymous said...

I read American Dreams by John Jakes

Jenny said...

K well I chose the last book I read in December and it was Yada Yada Prayer Group by Neta Jackson. Here is the link to my challenge and review.

Thanks for doing this challenge.

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