Friday, February 22, 2008

And finally..Argell

When I was in high school, I had to do one of those country projects. Yes, in high school. See, it involved more than coloring the flag and learning the greetings, we actually had to teach pretty much the entire history to the rest of the class.

I got Nicaragua.

I spent two years in high school learning the history of Central and South America and it is desperately depressing, but it is also very interesting. And as is the case whenever you take the time to learn about something, I've had a special tenderness and burden in my heart for Nicaragua ever since.

At my present job, one of my favorite students was Nicaraguan and would tell me many stories about the kind of fear his family lived in at times and the incredible will of the human spirit for survival and also inspiring stories of how he came to the United States all by himself at age 15 and how you must always try to make yourself better.

So, when I decided it was time to sponsor a fourth child, I looked for children that had been waiting six months or longer from a country that I wanted to be a part of in some small way, for good. I have to admit that Argell stuck out to me immediately and not for the usual reasons. With Viky, it was his heartbreaking story that stole my heart, but with Argell it was his huge smile. Yes. A huge smile.

I've only been sponsoring Argell since September, so I don't feel that I know him that well yet. I've received one letter from him where he drew me a picture all in red. He is five years old, and he is above average in school. He's a healthy boy and he likes soccer (what a shock!) and cars. His mother is unemployed.

Please pray for Argell with me today and for the country of Nicaragua, a beautiful country with a troubled past. And if you are still on the fence about sponsoring a child, think about a country you have a connection with and sponsor a child from there. Be a part of something good and lasting for that place.


Anonymous said...

That's Awesome!

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