Wednesday, April 15, 2009

CFBA: Deadlock by Robert Liparulo

About the Book: John Hutchinson thinks it's no coincidence that Brendan Page runs this modern Praetorian Guard, and that the billionaire military industrialist must have had something to do with the atrocities his son Declan committed in Canada. The Canadian and U.S. Justice departments disagree, but Hutch has been digging for dirt ever since.

Brendan Page has some dirty not-so-little secrets. he's built an empire on supplying futuristic weapons and highly trained soldiers to the world's most powerful armies. But he's saved his most destructive weapons for himself.

When Hutch discovers the secret of Page's success, Page decides to teach him a lesson. But the operation goes terribly wrong, and Hutch's son is kidnapped. While a lone man stands little chance against the best black op soldiers ever issued M-16s, Hutch manages to survive longer than Page anticipated. As far as Hutch is concerned, high-tech helmets, machine guns, and hand grenades are nothing compared to a man determined to save his son. It's a lesson he sets out to teach Page-and one that he can only hope works as well in the real world as it does in his heart.

Some Thoughts: Yeah, I got distracted by the big flare-up today in the book blogging community about cool and not cool blogs and have pretty much been writing a blog post in my head all day. I'm about halfway through this and the only thing I can say is that it's very action packed! Hopefully I can post a full review at some point!



Darlene said...

lol Amy. This whole cool and uncool is pretty fuuny. I just want to review good books and make friends along the way. As for this book I've seen it around for a bit. Action packed is always good-I'll be watching for your review.

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