Friday, May 18, 2007

A Bad Week for TV

Melinda's elimination from Idol.
The cancellation of Veronica Mars.
The most depressing Grey's Anatomy ever.


This season of American Idol has just been weird. From the public outcry over particularly cruel auditions,very talented singers being cut in the top 40, Sanjaya's long stay, the extended results show with lots of filler and little backstory, to the elimination of Melinda Doolittle--WEIRD. I was disappointed to see Melinda go. She's a fabulous singer and an amazing person. I always enjoyed watching her and I hope that whatever God brings next in her life, it includes the making of some really great music. I'm kind of rooting for Blake to win, I feel that even though his vocal ability is less that Jordin's, he's had some of the most exciting and innovative performances this season. I still feel he hearkens back to the 80s, but I guess that's in right now, so more power to him!

I am also disappointed that Veronica was cancelled. Not surprised, just disappointed. It was lucky to last three seasons. I started watching this show this past year on DVD, and was quickly addicted. This year I watched it in progress and of course it gets cancelled. Life. Sigh. Anyhow, if you ever have the time or inclination and don't mind slightly teeny-bopper shows (but nothing like One Tree Hill, I promise!) It's got some great snappy dialogue, and some fun mysteries. You can get the first season (incidentally, the best season) on DVD for fairly cheap.

And lastly, what was up with the Grey's finale? Another show I watched on DVD first and watched in progress this year for the first time. That show went downhill fast! The characters were all out of character and there was not one happy thing that happened the whole show. Not sure if I'll tune in again or not, I like a little fun on tv!

Anyone else have any thoughts about any of these shows?


Chaotic Hammer said...

I wasn't all THAT shocked by Melinda being voted off early. The voting process is not all that accurate, it's based on millions upon millions of random votes, and is certainly susceptible to all sorts of mischief and error. She was far and away the best and most consistent contestant, but she might also have suffered a little due to the demographics of her likely audience vs. that of the other two contestants.

It might have also been the old "Tamyra Gray effect" at work. I think the same thing happened to Chris Daughtry last season. People who are thought to be sure-fire finalists don't get as many votes as those who are possibly on the bubble, because many voters assume "Oh she'll get lots of other votes, no problem, so instead I'll vote for --- to keep him/her from being eliminated!". Or something like that. It's fun to conjecture, anyway.

I don't know if it's true, but I read somewhere that it might actually work out better for Melinda this way, because you are only bound to American Idol for an extended contract period if you win first or second place. This way, she can sign with any record company she wants right after the American Idol tour, and can negotiate her own (better) contract.

I don't know anything about the other shows you mentioned, so I can't comment on those.

kathryn said...

i agree with hammer. . i think Melinda's exit will do her more good than 'idolhood' would. I love Melinda too! i'm not sure if being an idol is all its cracked up to be? A couple of them have done well, but for the most part. . . meh, you don't hear much - don't hear a thing about Taylor Hicks any more. I don't watch Grey's or Veronica.

ldperez said...

What happened on Grey's?

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