Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Christy Awards Challenge!

Deborah and I have been working on this forever, inspired in part on an idea of Shauna's.

But when you are as overcommitted as I am, sometimes the actual details take a bit to get into place.

We love Christian fiction and we read a lot of it, but we've noticed that some book bloggers have very definite ideas about Christian fiction that keep them from reading it. Also, some people have shown an interest in reading it, but don't know where to start. And still others are extremely enthusiastic about it.

We thought we'd celebrate Christian fiction by having a challenge that focuses on books that were both nominated and won the Christy Award. We hope that from this very extensive list of books you can find a few titles that look interesting to you that you would like to read. Our challenge will be especially awesome since Deborah's done a fantastic job of getting a ton of interviews with the authors of the books both nominated and winning.

If you sign up by November 15th, you have a chance to win an almost complete set of the 2009 winners. (David C Cook...there's still time to make it a complete set!)

We hope you'll join...there are several levels of participation, including a perpetual challenge and there will be more giveaways throughout the year. And did I mention we hope you'll join??????

Check out the challenge blog for full details! Don't be shy, join in!



Krista said...

I wondered who that was following me on Twitter and how they found me... you!
I don't think I can sign up as I have a TON of books I'm already behind on, but I have a list somewhere of the ones I would like to read. I don't think they fit the challenge though because it's like 2 from one category and one or 2 each from a couple other categories...
I think you need a category that is just "any 6 (or whatever #) books from the Christy nominee list!

Robin M said...

Sounds like a great challenge and I'll be joining. Have to come up with a blog post which will be in a couple days. Look forward to it. Thanks to you and Deborah for setting this up.

Debbie's World of Books said...

How in the world do you keep up with all the different projects? You are a super woman. I'll have to remember to come back to this when I have more time to look through all the books.

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