Friday, April 3, 2009

First Quarter Blog Review 2009

The year is one fourth of the way finished. I'm not even kidding. While I don't wrap up my accomplishments and reading on a monthly basis, I thought it might be beneficial to look at how things are going on a quarterly basis--based on my initial blogging goals for the year.

Leave more comments. I do think I'm doing better at this. Some days, though, I only get about 30 minutes of blog reading time in and comments are less. I would say I leave 10 (my goal) on most days, though.

Review More than Books I've really been enjoying recapping LOST this year. While you all may not be as enthralled as me, it's been fun to try different ways of doing it. A good writing exercise for me. As far as actual reviews, I'm not doing a good job of reviewing more than books. I want to really put the So Cal Lit Scene feature into high gear and also Elizabeth and I will be reviewing Supernatural soon (better than you think!) I still have a review of Mad Men season one languishing in my drafts folder (it's really long) and a restaurant review that I want to write.

Be more active in promoting literacy. Ugh. I have a few ideas for this, but apart from a few posts, haven't done much.

Pre-schedule as many posts as possible. What can I say? FAIL.

Give my favorite authors and books better airtime.Yeah, not happening. Although, I will be hosting a week for Julie Lessman soon.

Still hosting all of my challenges and memes but haven't started the movie challenge, yet. I think I'll launch it at the end of the TV season again.

BBAW '09? I'm so behind on this I want to scream. I started out strong, but got a huge new assignment at work that cut my blogging time in half. (um, yeah, don't tell anyone) I plan to start setting aside time each day to work on it.

I also had goals for my other two blogs..and I'm failing on all accounts there. I have so much work to do on the Friendly Book Nook, that I just keep letting it pile up. I've also added a few things, like the So Cal Lit Scene and the Book Blog Social Club that need work. I'm the sort of girl that over commits...what can I say?

Reading Review
The best books I've read so far this year.
5 star books
A Reliable Wife
The Echo Within
The Passion of Mary Margaret
The Reader

4.75 Stars
The Hunger Games
The Unlikely Disciple
Tender Grace

4.5 Stars
Secret Keeper
Winter in Madrid
Trail of Crumbs

Challenges Update
Rather than talk about how I'm failing most challenges, I'll just say that I've read 2 for the LOST books challenge, 3 for Buy One Book and Read It, 2 for the chunkster, 1 for the War Through the Generations, and none for the rest of them. Big huge sigh. :)

How about you? Are you keeping up with your blogging goals and resolutions? If you don't blog, are you keeping up with your New Year's Resolutions? Do we have any of the best books of the year so far in common?



bermudaonion said...

This is a great idea - I haven't looked at my goals since I wrote them so I don't know if I'm meeting them or not. It's sad, I know.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say overall you're doing just fine :)

Impressive list of books read already in 2009, Amy!

Beth F said...

You are doing a super job!!!! I really meant to leave more and more meaningful comments, but as I discover new blogs and do Twitter, there just isn't time. My husband and offline life are important too. I'm content with giving it a good shot!

Tash said...

Errrr... actually, I've never had any 'real' goals for my blog. The only thing I wanted was to make new friends through blogging and since I started I've met quite a number of people from around the world and we discuss on the topic that I love the most- books! But your post has got me thinking, its a good idea to have goals for my blog. Thanks!

Darlene said...

You always seem so organized and put together Amy that I can't believe you aren't exceeding your goals. I'm really finding it hard lately with work and home and keeping up with the blog. Maybe it's the lingering winter here that isn't helping. I need to buckle down I think. lol.

chrisa511 said...

I'd certainly like to be posting more than I have been, but I haven't :/ I also think I have too many ARCs!! Do you ever just get totally overwhelmed thinking of all of the stuff you have to review? I love the reading part (of course) and I love blogging, but it's the stress of having everything read on time! Sounds like you've had a great quarter Amy! Great way to start the year :)

Robin M said...

You are doing great. I find that there just isn't enough time in the day and if not careful, spend way too much time on line. It's hard to leave comments where ever I go, but I'm trying to.

Literary Feline said...

You do have a lot on your plate, Amy, but it sounds like you are managing as best you can. I think you're doing a great job. :-)

Amy said...

Kathy..actually when I looked at these goals to write this post, I I was ambitious!

Marvin...thanks! And those are only the best ones! do a fabulous job! And of course, yes, we have to live a life outside of the computer. ;)

Ms Ulat Buku...that's the best goal ever and I'm so happy that you've met it! :)

Dar...thanks! I just really put a lot on my plate and I hate to give anything up...but I'm starting to realize I'm going to have to. I think your blog is amazing.

Chris..yes, actually the stress of having everything read on time gets to me a lot. And not being able to actually spend a lot of time on a book before I'm moving off to the next one!

Robin..thanks! I can't leave comments on everything I read, but I try to visit everyone sometimes!

Wendy...thanks! You are such a star commenter! :)

Kara said...

One of my goals was to comment more and I think I have been meeting that goal - however there are days that I just can't find the time.

I also wanted to improve on participating more in my Yahoo message groups - which I think I have accomplished also.

However, there are a few personal goals that I had for myself that I have failed to work on.

Thanks for this great reminder post - to go back and look at those goals that I had set for myself!!!

S. Krishna said...

I've been enjoyed recapping LOST as well this year and am going to do it with The Tudors too. I like reviewing more than just books! And I've been trying to leave more comments as well, but it is difficult and time consuming!

Me... said...

I don't want to analyze my goals for this year, I'm pretty sure I'm flunking on all accounts :(

You look like you're doing pretty good! And I LOVE your Lost posts. I don't think I ever comment on them, but I would be 'lost' without them, hahahahaha!

Natasha @ Maw Books said...

Like Kathy I need to go back and look at my goals again. I know one of them was to relax more and don't worry about posting everyday. I think today was the first day I've done that all year! The other was to leave comments. Jan, Feb, and March were pitiful but so far April is shaping up to be a better start. Let's hope I can keep up the momentum!

You are doing a great job this year! I can't believe how many projects you have going on.

Jenny Girl said...

Don't be too hard on yourself! You are doing a wonderful job. And it is tough leaving comments. You want to leave something good and insightful, but yet be fast so you can read more blogs. There is just not enough time in the day!

What is BBAW 09?

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