Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Weekly Review

This week in links is changing to the weekly review! I'm adding some new features, but the links will still be included as well!

Starting on Monday, Marcia from the Printed Page and I will be doing By the Chapter with the super fabulous Jane Porter's Mrs. Perfect.

And Elizabeth from As Usual, I Need More Bookshelves and I are going to start reviewing a couple of episodes of Supernatural a week, soon! Elizabeth already stared watching, I still need to dig my DVDs out!

Endorsement of the Week
I mentioned in this post that I really like reading books endorsements and think they deserve their own awards. Instead, I'll post one endorsement a week I think is particularly beautiful. This week's is for the book Willing Spirits by Phyllis Schieber and is written by Jodi Picoult.
"Willing Spirits is like a string of pearls--one familiar, fragile moment linked to another and another to form the rope of women's lives twined together." Beautiful, no?

In Links
I still think they should have made the Gossip Girl spin-off about Serena's grandmother rather than her mother, but since they didn't consult me, have a look at the cast. Yes, that's Ryan Hansen from Veronica Mars, and rumor has it Cynthia Watros (from LOST) is going to play Lily's mother. That makes this a must-watch for me. (okay fine it already was!!!)

There's no new episode of LOST next week (oh the torment!), so the LOSTpedia blog catches up with all the important reveals of the season so far, episode by episode. I'm working on two posts for the LOST Books Challenge blog on Ben and my new favorite TV couple Sawyer and Juliet, so be on the look-out for those!

The Paley Center is offering the Buffy the Vampire Slayer reunion from last year on DVD, and Televisionary has the scoop!

Perhaps the single best post I have ever read on his blog...summed up by "they like the church, but not Jesus." I hope that's enough to get you to click through! Shaun Groves posted a response as well, but I have to admit his lead me straight down a path of despair.

I also really enjoyed this post at the Rabbit Room about the Moral Imagination.

Stephen posted about a book coming soon that looks really good and somewhat heavy, but gosh do I ever love the title.

Wendy reminds authors they need to have a website and it's as simple as a free blogger blog.

Beth wants to know which books and authors you think should get more's your chance to push them!

Jen reviewed the audiobook of America, America. Trish also reviewed the Hunger Games, I think her review is a bit more glowing than mine! Marta has some more giveaways going on, just head on over to her blog and check them out! Shelly reviewed Everyone is Beautiful and is also offering a giveaway!

Carrie wrote a great post with some ideas for read-aloud books...there are some different options than I've ever seen!

If you're a fan of The Hobbit, don't miss these illustrations by Justin Gerard.

Beth wrote this fantastic post on Homecoming, memory, and the past, ANDthis post on writing to make people feel stuff. Both worth the click through.

I've had some giveaways and been negligent in announcing/e-mailing winners. Sorry! Here they are:
The Terror and Drood

Love is in the Air giveaway winner is Ramya!
Intimate Issues winner is Vanessa.
Outlaw Marshal winner is Christy Jane!

Finally, I can't thank you enough for all of your support this week and your own personal sharing when I posted about my burn-out over reviewing books. Some of you even noted you have trouble leaving comments so I'll get to work on fixing that as soon as I can. I want to take some time to answer some of the questions left, and I'll do that in a follow-up post this week.



bermudaonion said...

Great links, Amy. Congratulations to the winners!

Robin M said...

Great Links, Amy. I liked Beth's idea about pushing the author and did something like that for my tss post. By the way, what are the names of the books from faith n' fiction saturday? My post is here

Anonymous said...

Path of despair? A tad dramatic dontcha think? ; )

Sorry to do that to you, Amy. Not my intention. Thanks for reading.

Lenore Appelhans said...

I am so upset that there is no LOST this week!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for posting the links to the conversation between Brant and Shaun - interesting stuff to ponder.

And let me know when you are ready to discuss Supernatural. =)

Amy said...

Kathy. thanks. :)

Robin...good question! I'll put up an extra mister linky for it next week.

Shaun..I do tend to be dramatic and I do think that's the second time you've called me on it!! :) I know that wasn't your intention, but it all got a little too relative in my thinking....which is already horribly muddled. too! I comfort myself by starting to watch Supernatural!

Elizabeth...I'm starting tonight! I found them (huge relief) so we're good to go!

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