Saturday, November 15, 2008

Please Take This Poll about Giveaways

Due to all the hoopla this week in the book blogging community, I'm developing some pledges to my readers and to authors. They will be different. However, first I need your opinion on somethings. Here's the first one:


Sandra said...

If you were trying to convince us to BUY a book that you hadn't read, we'd probably have some objections. But I don't think you're going to find any complaints about giving one away, especially at your own expense. Even those you do read and recommend are still judged by the individual as to whether we think it's something we want to experience ourselves or not.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm- darn, I voted with the majority. Hate that. Oh well, all about truth, heart and honesty. Love these pool, fun aren't thry, Amy?

Anonymous said...

I've hosted a few giveaways for books I haven't yet read. In each case I've not only listed the publisher's summary of the book, but linked to a few blogger reviews. I think that system is fair/honest (I do state "I haven't yet read this book")

I, too, found that I voted with the majority when I saw the results of the pole.

kalea_kane said...

I have no problem with a giveaway of a book that hasn't been read. If there is a good summary or it is an author I already know well, I am just thrilled at the chance to win it. I agree with Sandra. A book is still in the long run going to be judged by the reader anyway. :)

Enjoy your Sunday!


Anonymous said...

I like giveaways, but I'm selective. I like to know what a blogger thinks about the book they are giving away - and so I don't giveaway books unless I've read them and have posted a review. Just a quirk with me, I guess!

Anonymous said...

I won't say it bothers me when bloggers give away books they haven't read (I've done this a few times when I've started a book and discovered it would be a better fit for someone else), but I generally don't enter giveaways that aren't accompanied by a review because I want to know why I should be interested in the book, not just that it's free.

Carole said...

I only enter giveaways for books that - from author interviews and reviews - I'm pretty sure I would enjoy. So while nice, it's not essential that you've done a personal review, Amy. I'm just appreciative of what you do with your blog.

Thanks as always, Carole

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants to see if the book is something they'd be interested in -- and you haven't done a review of it -- just check on Amazon! They will probably have a review of it. Or if you win a book that you end up not being interested in, you can host your OWN giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

Personally, I only give away books I've read. But when it comes to the blogs of others - hey, I just want the free books :O!

Anonymous said...

I only give away books I have read (unless I'm saying, I tried this book, it isn't for me, would someone else like to review it?). I voted with the majority (as long as you haven't sold you soul...), but I wanted to quantify it. Times like BBAW it makes perfect sense to give away books you haven't read, you want a wide variety and it doesn't make sense to limit it to what one person has read. Regular blog giveaways, it doesn't bother me when people give away books they haven't read, but I don't really understand it either, and I'm very unlikely to enter, unless I've read (and remember) a fair number of reviews elsewhere.

Michele said...

For me, I don't want to give away books that I haven't read. However, I don't have an issue with others. If the book sounds intersting, I'll look around for other reviews on it before I enter. However, I get books from the library all the time based on the summary on the back of the book - that's not any different than this.

Toni said...

I think it is okay to offer a book that you haven't read. There are some in blogland that don't have offers or the connections to receive some of the books that others do and if they want to win a book...sure why not. If a publisher offers some books to give away as a promotion I don't see a problem with it at all. Just my two cents. :)

Beth said...

If you haven't read it, how can you recommend it to someone else? I do like giveaways, I get to add to my 'library', but I'm selective in which ones I enter. If I don't think I'll like the book or if I already have it, I don't enter.

Amy said...

thanks for the feedback everyone. Sometimes publicists or authors will offer books for giveaways when they offer a copy of book for review....before I've had a chance to read it. I don't really see that as being different from offering a book I haven't read.

My thinking on this, until I read some other blogger opinions, was that I was offering free books to my readers. I never saw it as selling out...I know that not all of my readers will like the same books I do and if they have a chance to win one, why should I stand in the some of you have said, ultimately it's your choice to enter. ;)

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