Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Summer Reading

All the magazines have a big uproar about beach reading and the like, but I read equally during all times of the year. I love to read. I like everything from Christian fiction to New York Times bestselling books to "Inspiration" to cultural. As long as the writing style is strong, I'm happy. I suppose I prefer legal thrillers and mysteries to all else, if I'm going to sit down and unwind with a book.
So far this summer, I've been catching up on my Christian fiction and just finished The Cross Examination of Oliver Finney, by Randy Singer. He happens to be one of my favorite authors. This book was no exception, it was really rather intriguing.

I'm now reading a much older book by Steve Martini also in the legal thriller genre. I got one of his books in a lot on ebay and am now close to having read all of them.

These are fluff reads, easy, can't-put-down-the-book reads. Good beach reads perhaps, or suitable for a flight.

What have you been reading?


Mindy said...

I'm reading A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryce. It's his story of his and other guy's (both in the 40s and overweight) hike of the Appalacian Trail and it's HILARIOUS! And pretty educational. It tells the history and science of the trail and their funny encounters w/ other hikers and such. Very funny. Also, an easy read.

I'm also reading the Power of a Praying Wife. By Stormie Omartian. It's okay. It did speak to me the other day. But I think it was God speaking and using the book. GREAT verse in Isaiah (43:18-19) "Do not remember the former things nor consider the things of old. Behold I do a new thing; now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." What a promise!

Oh, and Matt and I are reading "The Holy Wild" by Mark Buchanan. It's okay. I'd pretty wordy. But it's good.

Wow, what a reader I've become!

~ jen ~ said...

I just finished A GREAT DELIVERANCE by Elizabeth George. Amy, you got me hooked on her. It all started that afternoon you gave me a box full of stuff you didn't forsee yourself needing, and thought I'd enjoy, and then you headed to Toccoa Falls. You gave me WELL SCHOOLED IN MURDER, and then it all began!

At the StL Bookfair this past April, Elizabeth George novels were everywhere. And I picked up a great many, as I like her writing style, and the fact that they were only a buck or two helped a great deal. Some of her plots become very twisted and gruesome, but they always keep me hooked.

I'm still fighting my way through THE SILMARILLION by Tolkien. It's not an easy read, but I persist.

And we read the Bible to Sam in the evenings before bed. Mike has a great reading voice, and Sam really seems to pay attention.

BTW, what happened to A WELL-SPOKEN WORD? I do check there every once in a while. Is this a project you've just combined into this blog? Just curious...

Amy said...

Mindy--I've never heard of any of those books. Except for the Power of a Praying Wife.
Jen...I'm so busted on a well spoken word. Will update it soon!
I love Elizabeth George...girl can write! Did I ever tell you about when I was in tokyo and was buying one of her books, the store clerk (this was a used English bookstore) launched into how British people refuse to believe she's American bc she's got them down so well. When I opened my mouth and he heard me speak "american" i bet he was shocked!
Sweet that you read the Bible to Sam. I bet that's a special time!

kathryn said...

i've been reading quite a bit. . loved "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd. .so beautifully written - poignant, engaging, lovely. "The Birth House" by Canadian author, Ami McKay was a good turn of the 20th century tale of midwifery and female empowerment. Read "The Kite Runner" a few months ago. . Hosseini. . fantastically written -Afghanistani culture, pre-Taliban and the subsequent, tragic destruction of that beautiful culture.

On my 'wish list'. .
Intuitive Eating
The Year of Magical Thinking (the only reason I haven't bought this one is because its so blinkin' expensive!!!)

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