Ha, ha remember how I said I'd post the results of my World Series survey before it started? Whoops. I always think I have more time in the day than I actually do.
Anyway, most people went for the Cards in 6. I thank you! After Game 1, I thought no way, but the last two games have been great. Game 3 was truly memorable in a bizarre way. If I was a Red Sox fan, I'd be so upset. Then again, if they didn't make the call they did, I'd be upset, too. The game was such a nail biter. Anyway, I've been having loads of fun with the World Series.
Also, today is the 2 year anniversary of probably the single greatest night of my being a sports fan ever...Game 6 of the 2011 World Series.
Lol, back to this year, though, every time David Ortiz gets up to bat though I almost have a heart attack. He's amazing.
Anyway, enough baseball!
HALLOWEEN IS THIS WEEK. I can't believe how quickly the month has passed or how I didn't get to partake in half of the fun spooky stuff I wanted to because life. Oh well. I did manage to watch the original version of Evil Dead and...that is one strange movie. I didn't particularly like it....just a lot of gore and non-scary possession in my opinion, but reading the behind the scenes stuff about the movie was interesting. I mean, it was sort of its own horror film, the conditions were so bad! I still sort of want to watch the remake, though!
In other TV news, I'm still really liking The Originals? This has surprised me so much, but I genuinely look forward to it each week. I actually want to write about it, but I'm finding writing really hard these days. Hopefully, soon!
And today should be perfect TV! Game 4 of the World Series, The Walking Dead, and like, my most anticipated episode of The Good Wife, ever! Half of the TV I'm watching is on Sunday, lol.
I'm a bit behind on Borgen, but hope to catch up this weekend.
How are your weeks going? Any Halloween plans?

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