My life has been very filled with the Olympics lately...I don't know I always forget how easy it is to get completely sucked into watching the drama in sport unfold on screen in a delicious ALL THE SPORTS EVER sort of way, where there's a mixture of amazing athletic performances, and crushing defeats and huge disappointments, etc. It's fun in a way watching sport rarely is for me, probably because I have only one professional team I really root for otherwise and so the really exciting high stakes times only come around...well a few times a lifetime for me so far. :) And while I certainly cheer Team USA in the Olympics, I can get attached to athletes for other reasons. I like watching people do their best and be successful and achieve their goals. And I have a soft spot for Team Japan as well. (not in women's soccer tho!)
Also, the drive of these athletes amazes me. I can't imagine being driven enough to put in the work they have to make it to the Games. And you know how sometimes they don't quite get the gold so they come back later after another four years? AMAZING.
So basically I've been watching all the Olympics lately. Have any of you? What's been your favorite thing so far?
But..I have had time to squeeze in a few of my other shows and thought I'd chat a bit about them.
I finished Borgen and the way Season 2 ended surprised me and elevated my appreciation of this show to a whole new level. It is so ridiculously good and interesting. I think I've run out of words to express my love for it, but I will say that Link TV will have the episodes available for streaming again starting August 20th when the run a marathon. I highly suggest watching this, because it is the finest thing on television nowadays. SO. MUCH. LOVE.
I also watched Awkward and I gotta say...I was REALLY surprised by it. All along I've felt like Jenna likes Jake, but more than Jake himself she likes what he represents and the way she feels free with him. But I've felt like her heart still really lies with Matty. And I know that Matty's been pretty awful, but in a fairly typical teenage boy sort of way. I don't know I liked that the show gave both Jenna and Matty room to grow. Jenna's own insecurities were part of the issue because she was unable to tell Matty what she really wanted and how she felt, etc. I don't know, it just felt real. But in the latest episode, I was surprised that she decided she was in love with Jake. I don't know...I mean maybe she's not actually, but will be by the end of the season. I feel like in the first season Jenna would have certain revelations and then backtrack on them in later like when she said, "Matty and I are friends!" after being all jealous over him the last episode it felt more like something that would eventually be true than something that already was. To be honest, I'm probably putting WAY TOO MUCH THOUGHT into this but it really surprised me. Does anyone else watch this?
And finally...The L.A. Complex! Last week's episode was okay, I really liked Kal's story, of course, and the depth they are giving to his background. He's one of the most interesting characters to watch on TV right now. And is Abby into Brandon? Because I'm definitely getting that vibe. I was confused by Raquel being all resentful of Connor's fake relationship since she told him to take the job. I think maybe she didn't realize how much she would miss his support.
ETA: Aw I can't help it I think this is cute!

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