I read these books aaaages ago and never reviewed them and now it's been too long for me to say anything substantial, but I still wanted to mention my overall thoughts.
Oh and also I see people say all the time that high schoolers don't talk like his characters do, and I realize they didn't know my friends in high school, because yes we were just that pretentious. I don't know there was a definite sort of intellectual zeal among the people I knew in high school and so I do get frustrated by the idea that teenagers must only act a certain way. WHY? Also these kids were forced to grow up fast in this book, there are no universal rules for this kind of thing.
I also love and adore Jacqueline Woodson and while I appreciate Beneath a Meth Moon, I didn't love it quite as much as some of her other books. Like I told my friends, Jacqueline Woodson will not write a bad book. This book is heartfelt and it's real, there isn't a quick fix to the depth of problems the characters face, it has her same beautiful language, but I just...I don't know I just couldn't connect with it. I loved the idea of it, I admire what she accomplished, but it's not my new favorite Jacqueline Woodson book. It doesn't matter though it's still better than a lot of what is out there and I will still gobble up her books. In short, btw, it's about a girl who has suffered a tremendous loss after Hurrican Katrina and uses meth to cope with those problems.
So! Now I think I have given space to all of the books I've read so far this year on this blog. It's strange but it's actually a relief. Also, I had neglected to update my reading stats spreadsheet since February. I've only read 32 books this year so far. I think this is an all time low and I doubt I'll hit 100 this year. But guess what? I DON'T CARE! :) There's more to life than reading, like reblogging pretty pictures on tumblr and following the latest dust-up on Twitter. Just kidding.
Oh also, I bought both of these books.

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