Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just an FYI

Not making a big deal out of this, but I've long been thinking about starting a separate blog for more of my personal reflections on faith. I finally took the plunge and did it, inspired by the recent upsurge in other book bloggers keeping a personal journal.

I can guarantee I won't be posting there as much as I post here, but just in case you're interested in this slightly more personal faith oriented blog, I thought I would share the link with you. It's super simple, but I guess I would love a reader or two. :)

You can follow along at Brave and Bittersweet

For those uninterested, no worries, I'll still be chatting up books, LOST, and some other random stuff here.



Chaotic Hammer said...

You've got at least one reader. Added the new blog to my reader. :-)

Hmmm. The word "reader" sure does come in handy a lot, doesn't it? What would any story be... without a reader?

Sandy Nawrot said...

What a wonderful endeavor! As if you aren't already a multi-tasker! Good for you for following your goals and dreams.

bermudaonion said...

It's all I can do to keep up with my little blog. I don't know how you do all that you do.

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