I was delighted to read news of Joyce Hinnefeld's next novel in Publisher's Lunch Weekly. Here's what it said:
IN HOVERING FLIGHT author Joyce Hinnefeld's STRANGER HERE BELOW, in which young women, one haunted by the past and the other utterly fearless, forge a troubled friendship in Kentucky in the early 1960s, to Fred Ramey at Unbridled Books, for publication in Fall 2010, by Liv Blumer at The Blumer Agency (World).
Sounds excellent! In Hovering Flight was one of my top ten books of 2008, and is now available in a beautiful paperback edition. I highly recommend this book as a gift for the holidays for the person in your life who likes beautiful writing and worthwhile reads. I bought a copy of the paperback for myself even though I have the hardcover, because I am blurbed in it! Along with several other trustworthy bloggers.
You can't go wrong with Unbridled Books in my opinion. While I haven't enjoyed all the books equally, I never feel as though I've wasted my time on their books.

I loved In Hovering Flight! I didn't know we shared that.
I can't wait to get this one!!!!
Unbridled Books is one my go-to publishers.
I loved In Hovering Flight! I can't wait for her next book. Yu really can't go to wrong with Unbridled.
Thanks so much for the heads up on this book - like you, I LOVED In Hovering Flight (and also got a blurb!!!), so I am dying to read her next novel. I love Unbridled Books...they always have the most amazing books and authors.
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