Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer of Hitchcock: Rebecca Discussion

I was able to finish the book Rebecca before watching the film which was a huge goal for me. I absolutely loved the book, but worried that reading it so close to watching the movie would lessen my enjoyment and I do think that's a little bit the case. I couldn't finish watching the movie last night because I fell asleep. I did feel cheated that Maxim wasn't really hot (as in my imagination) and thought a bit of the acting bordered on cheesy. I'll finish watching tonight and let you know what I think! But what did you think?



Lori L said...

i didn't read the book - we only watched the Hitchcock film. I thought Olivier was hot, LOL! I didn't care for Fontaine's unnamed girl character, though.

My review:

Kari said...

I looooooved this movie in high school (I'm sure I'd still like it, but I don't think I've watched it since then...and I own it!). I saw the movie then decided to read the book, and I enjoyed the book just as much as the movie!

Wasn't Mrs. Danvers creepy??

Heidenkind said...

I didn't have a chance to watch the film this weekend, but I've seen it a few times before. Personally I think the acting is probably the weakest part of the movie. But overall it is a pretty good thriller. Once you get to part where Maxim talks about his marriage with Rebecca, it becomes clear what he sees in that other woman whose name I can never remember.

Elysia said...

The two are very different, as you will see at the end. IMHO, the film is good b/c it's early Hitchcock; the book is good because it's Du Maurier.

Lisa said...

I saw the movie before I read the book and Maxim was always Laurence Olivier as I read. I've always liked the movie but it makes much more sense once you've read the book. And I liked the ending of the book much better.

Jess said...

One of my all time favorite movies. Yes, the acting is mad cheesy (especially when they hug and do that cheek thing) but it is a great ride and Hitchcock did win an Oscar for it.

SuziQoregon said...

I enjoyed both the movie and the book, despite and for the differences.

Kim L said...

The book is awesome, and if I remember right, allows more gray area for the characters. The movie had them more divided into "good" and "bad". I dunno, I remember liking the movie alright, but thinking that it simplified things too much.

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