Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Review: Benny & Shrimp by Katarina Mazetti

Benny and Shrimp
Benny and Shrimp is in some ways just your typical love story of a couple that is very different trying to find a way to make it work. They are middle aged and both quite set in their lifestyles but madly in love. Shrimp, whose real name is Desiree, has just lost her husband when the book opens and Benny is a farmer who has never been married. Desiree never really loved her husband with a passion, but when she meets Benny at the cemetary, she feels an attraction for him that is very new to her.

They fall in love rather quickly, splitting their time between the farm and the city and numerous issues come up. Desiree isn't ready to part with city life, she doesn't cook, and doesn't want to be expected to be a homemaker while Benny needs someone who can support him on the farm.

The story is quite sweet in some ways, neither are terribly glamorous, just your everyday folk, bumbling along. ;) There's a character, Mrs. Lundmark, who has chosen to withdraw from actual interaction with people, and rather observe them. She doesn't want to make an impact on anyone's life. I found her character to be so tragic, but she also helps Shrimp realize that's not what she wants with her life.

The love story is sweet but imperfect, the ending not terribly satisfying, but all in all an enjoyable read.

I loved this sweet little quote from Benny, "I've no idea if she's ugly or beautiful; it's kind of irrelevant, as long as she's her."

Rating: 4/5
Things You Might Want to Know: A fair bit of sex, though not described in detail
Book Source: Review copy received from FSB Associates



Nely said...

I read this last week too. It was sweet. Great review.

bermudaonion said...

I love a sweet story from time to time. The quote from Benny is fantastic!

Sandy Nawrot said...

That is a statement from someone crazy in love! Having grown up on a farm I know the life of a farm wife, and I'm not sure I could handle it! Muddy boots, late hours, feeding loads of men, driving large pieces of equipment...they deserve more credit than they get!

Beth F said...
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Beth F said...

Awww. Sweet quote! I have this one on my TBR stack.

Anonymous said...

Great review. I really enjoyed this book!

Lynn said...

I love that quote too!

I left an award for you on my blog (

Jenn's Bookshelves said...

Oh I love that quote! Looking forward to reading this one, it's in my review pile.

bookmagic said...

I kept trying to win this from penguinusa on twitter. No luck, will have to add to my library tbr

Anna said...

Love the quote. Sounds like a good book.

Diary of an Eccentric

SuziQoregon said...

I finished this last weekend. I think I would have liked it a lot better without the last 2 chapters. It seemed complete and then the ending felt tacked on.

Turns out there is a sequel so maybe that's why the ending is there. I enjoyed it, but 2 chapters less and I might have loved it.

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