Saturday, July 11, 2009

Faith 'n' Fiction Saturday: Your Favorite Read of the Year So Far


Welcome to Faith 'n' Fiction Saturday. If this is your first time participating, please read this post. It will tell you everything you need to know!

We're at the halfway point in the year and we've read a bunch of great books (hopefully) so far. Today I'm going to ask you to do something very difficult...and pick your favorite!

The book you choose should be fiction, should be published for the Christian marketplace, and must have been published in 2009. Please tell us why it's your favorite and who else might enjoy it. If you reviewed it, feel free to include a link to your review!

My favorite book of the year so far is The Passion of Mary Margaret by Lisa Samson. This book carved out an aching in me to know Jesus like He appeared to me face to face. I loved this unique book and its glimpse at the incarnation. It's my favorite of Samson's to date. You can read my review here.

And because I can't pick just one, a very close second is Love's Pursuit by Siri Mitchell.

Your Turn


Sandy Nawrot said...

I am a faithful Catholic, but I'm sitting here shrinking in my chair because I don't think I've ever purchased a book from a Christian book store. I do have one that has daily readings and musings, but it isn't fiction! Yikes!

RAnn said...

Sandy, I'm a faithful Catholic and I invite you over to my blog to get a Catholic's take on Christian fiction. I haven't read The Passion of Mary Margaret yet (it is on my list) but the author is Catholic. Mr. Linky is acting funny, at least on my end, to my link is here

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

Here is mine. Mr. Linky is acting up. Mine

Amee said...

This is hard! I'll have to call a tie between:

A Bride in the Bargain by Deeanne Gist
How Do I Love Thee? by Nancy Moser

I think I've only read one other Christian fiction book actually released this year, so I suppose it wasn't truly that hard for me. It would have been if it was choosing a book from any year of release that I'd read this year. :P

Sheila DeChantal said...

Good Morning Amy! Glad I stopped by today and seen the question you presented. I signed the Linky and afterward created a post about this as well.

It is linked here to my name on this comment.

Jenny said...

I have read and enjoyed a number of Lisa Samson's books, but haven't gotten to TPoMM yet (it's sitting on my shelf). Guess I'll have to move it closer to the top of my TBR pile. *grin*

Linda said...

My book that I really liked is Adam by Ted Dekker. It's about abduction, "Eve," a profiler and spiritual things you may not know about but will after reading this book. The conversation after the book is really enlightening.

Janet said...

I just stumbled upon your site. I hope I can remember to participate this coming Saturday. lol Thanks.

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