Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Currently Reading: Love's Pursuit by Siri Mitchell

Loves PursuitI'm pretty sure the Game On! Diet is supposed to be healthy but it has REALLY been stressing me out. I was completely unprepared for this week and have been making multiple trips to the grocery store each day. I haven't been able to finish a single book this week!

So it is that I find myself posting about Love's Pursuit at the last possible minute of its blog tour. But all I'm going to tell you is that it's about Puritans. And it's by Siri Mitchell whom I love. And so far it's really goooooood. :) And then I'm hoping you'll come back for a full review soon.



Anonymous said...

I think we're all making multiple trips - what a pain! I guess we need to ramp up the audiobook collections for car listening! :--)

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I really want to read this. And, summer has really taken a toll on my reading. My kids are home and I need to spend time with them, so I'm only reading at night these days! I don't get as much done either.

Gwendolyn B. said...

I'll come back -- I want to know!

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