Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You Asked, I'm Answering: Faith

Last week, I asked if you had any questions for me...most of them were related to blogging/reviewing/reading and I'll tackle those soon, but I thought I'd start out easy with the questions related to faith.

Lenore asked:
Old Testament or New Testament?

Oh definitely New Testament. I am Christian, so the New Testament is where the Old Testament is fulfilled for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading the Old Testament as well, particularly the Psalms and the history books, but when I'm looking for comfort or inspiration I usually find it in the New Testament.

Plus, to me, the New Testament just shouts hope. The Kingdom is here! And my favorite "character" in the Bible is Jesus and He doesn't show up until the New Testament.

Stacie asked:
What is your favorite Bible verse and what does it mean to you?

My favorite Bible verse is Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double edged sword it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

This verse means...well a lot to me. First of all...isn't it gorgeous??? Secondly, can I get an amen? And lastly... while I was raised in a Christian home, the process by which I came to truly believe in God for myself as my salvation from myself was through the process of memorizing the Bible. Um, not the whole thing, just the book of Hebrews. The words, sat in my brain and worked themselves into my heart and changed my life. Living. Active. Judging.

Furthermore, they mean a lot to me because while I read a lot there's only one book I read again and again and that's the Bible. And it is alive to me...there's a depth to Scripture that I don't have with other books. The process of growing in maturity as a Christian means I can read something I've read many times and suddenly it makes sense for the very first time.

Thanks Lenore and Stacie for asking! If anyone else has any questions about my faith...really anything feel free to ask in comments!



Molly said...

Lovely post!

My favorite verse is Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose."

Beth F said...

Thanks for sharing this verse. I'm not that familiar with the New Testament.

S. Krishna said...

Interesting! From a completely secular, academic standpoint I like the Old Testament because it's all fire and brimstone and craziness - fun to read and analyze. But you're right, the New Testament has so much more hope, if Christianity were my faith, I would like the New Testament better as well.

Anonymous said...

Here's a question: Why do you like vampires?

Anonymous said...

Amen to Hebrews 4:12

Jen (Devourer of Books) said...

I love how you present yourself as a woman of faith, Amy. You are completely open and upfront about it, but are not judgmental or demeaning towards those with different beliefs. Truly an inspiration.

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