Friday, March 20, 2009

Faith 'n Fiction Saturday: Christian Bookstores

Welcome to Faith 'n Fiction Saturday. If this is your first time participating, please read this post! It will tell you everything you need to know.

Today's Question
While books and bookstores in general are suffering, Christian bookstores are suffering even more in this economy. Do you have a Christian bookstore that you shop at? Why don't you tell us about your local Christian bookstore and the benefits that if offers. If you don't shop at a Christian bookstore, then please tell us where you get your books, music, and other Christian gift items.

My Answer
My closest Christian bookstore is Berean. I really love Berean because they often have great deals. Admittedly, there are few books in Christian publishing that I don't know about, but I still love seeing all of the pretty shiny books on the shelves and checking out the Christian music selection. My favorite time to go is at Christmas time of course! Berean offers a rewards program, as well as a great bargain books section.

Your Turn
I hope you'll share your answer and add your permalink in the linky below.


Jenny said...

Great question, Amy. I love seeing all the shiny books on the shelves, too....*sigh*

SmilingSally said...

Thanks for hosting, Amy. Stop by when you have time to see my response.

RAnn said...

Thanks Amy for doing this; I'm sure it gets hard to think up new questions every week.

Kacie said...

Personally, I stick with for my Christian books. I find most Christian bookstores to be overpriced, and sometimes it feels so fake and commercial, and I am uncomfortable with marketing my faith.

Darlene said...

I had a wonderful Christian Bookstore not far from me and it closed last year. I was so upset. I just loved going there and spending an hour or two looking at the beautiful new Bibles and all the other books. It's very sad that they weren't able to stay open.

Robin M said...

I love our local Berean's though I don't get over there very often. But when I do go, I end up spending lots of money. I didn't participate in F n F this week, but I do have an award for your on my blog. here

Amy said... too! I love the look of the books!'s my pleasure of course!

RAnn...sometimes I panic thinking I have run out of ideas, but I always find one. I already have next week's planned!

Kacie...I was wondering if anyone would bring that angle up! I respect your feelings. is sad. I've heard rumors Christian bookstores will go extinct

Robin..thank you so much, you are so wonderful!

Mimi N said...

Hi Amy. I posted my answer today, Monday, because my computer went goofy on Saturday and today's the first day I've been able to get it least on my blog.

Mimi B

Lynn Squire said...

The local Christian bookstore closed some years ago. My mother-in-law owned a Christian bookstore and retired. She sold the store to someone else and it closed some years ago. Her experience has taught me that a Christian bookstore is more ministry than business.

I get my books mostly from Amazon. When I am in a Barnes & Noble or Borders, I peruse the Christianity section and might buy something.

I generally don't buy "Christian trinkets." I suppose I might if there was a place locally.

Amy, I wanted to let you know that I listed your site as an award recipient on my blog. I really enjoy Faith 'n Fiction Saturdays and marvel how you are able to come up with interesting questions every week.

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