Monday, March 2, 2009

Book Giveaway Carnival!

That's right bookies! It's time to go crazy entering contests for books!

I'm going to be giving books away all week, so I hope that you'll join in the fun!

Today I'm giving away the audio book of Karen Kingsbury's Divine. To enter, just leave a comment and tell me if you have ever read anything by Kingsbury and if so what your favorite book is. If you haven't, tell me where you listen to audiobooks. You must leave a valid email address in your comment, a link to your blog is not enough!

This is open worldwide.

Enter more giveaways at the book giveaway carnival!



Anonymous said...

I have never read anything by Karen Kingsbury, but I would like to. I read audio books in the car as we travel back and forth between Ohio and Indiana to visit family, which we do, I don't know...18 times a year?

Jennifer C. said...

I just read This Side of Heaven by Karen Kingsbury a couple of weeks ago. I loved it. It brought tears to my eyes and had my emotions going wild.

I listen to audio books while I'm cooking dinner and sometimes while I'm in the car.

I would love to win this audio books.

Jennifer C. said...

I forget my email address.


Erika Powell said...

I haven't read anything by Kingsbury but I listen to audiobooks while I am cleaning or doing laundry

sports dot erikalynn at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love giveaways. I'm doing my first giveaway on my blog. I just posted it this morning. It's only a kiddie book. But giveaways are awesome!

I have never read anything by Kingsbury, but I have heard of her. I listen to audiobooks usually in the car. I've only recently started, because I never really felt like it counted. I've done my first two in the car and around the house while I am cleaning and I'm hooked. It will never replace actual reading, but it's nice to have someone read to me. Takes me back to being a little kid!


Thanks for the giveaway.

p.s. for some reason your autofill wordpress account thingy won't work for me. ~sigh~ I have to do it manually?!?! :)

mindy said...

i have not had the privilege as of yet thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

livingmyhappilyeverafter at yahoo dot com

I have never heard of Karen Kingsbury before, but I would love to get to know her writings.

Merry said...

I listen to audio books while sewing or doing housework. Thanks for a chance!

Emily B said...

I haven't read anything by Karen Kingsbury yet, but I love book recommendations so I'll add her name to my 'look out for' list! I listen to audiobooks while I work. I'm a painter so while my hands are busy painting, my mind is off in story land. Can't complain!
ebickell (at) hotmail (dot) com

Wendy aka Misswendiki said...

I haven't read anything by Kingsbury yet. I listen to audiobooks while driving, while cleaning the house, and while knitting.

Janssen said...

I've never read anything by Kingsbury, but I do love almost all audiobooks.

Kim Allen-Niesen said...

I've never read a Kingbury book, I'm looking forward to it! I tend to listen to lectures in the car, but I'm ready to try something new and listen to books.

A Reader said...

I haven't read anything by her, but I'd like to start.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Brimful Curiosities said...

I read her book titled, Just Beyond the Clouds. I'm a fan of inspirational romance, though her stories are kind of sad. This one centers around Downs Syndrome and the impact on adult relationships. pvilletoygirl at gmail d0t com

Kaye said...

I haven't read anything by Ms. Kingsbury but I have heard good things about her books. Please enter me in the drawing

Meg89 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bingo said...

I haven't read anything by her but we share the same first name, so does that count? It means I would be meeting a new author if I won. I used to only listen in my car but since I now do so much reading and writing (blog, book, teacher in the daytime) by eye strain has started to be a problem and the audio books allow me to still read while I relax my eyes a little. Thanks for a great giveaway and a lovely blog! kdhaney at gmail dot com

Meg89 said...

I've never read Kingsbury, but I listen to audiobooks on my drive back and forth to school. Thanks!

meh471 (AT) gmail (DOT) com


listen in the car

Lady Roxi said...

I havent read anything but I am definitely interested. I listen to audio book on my elliptical.


scottsgal said...

I've never read anything by her but love audio books when traveling and would enjoy this one

Angela C said...

I have never read anything by her. The only audio book I have ever listened to I listened to it on my computer headphones laying in the floor next to my computer.

kalea_kane said...

I have only read one book by Karen Kingsbury and that was This Side of Heaven. It was amazing! I cried not only reading this book, but then reading what Karen wrote about the story idea itself. My eyes sting even now. I would love a chance to win this audiobook and another chance at her fiction. :) Thank you for the giveaway!



ibeeeg said...

I have not read anything by Karen Kingsbury. I would love to.
I have just started utilizing audiobooks when I am driving to and from work. I most especially love audiobooks for my big chunkier books. Currently, I am listening to Les Miserable - A focus on the Family production audiobook.


Ellie Wright said...

I have read One Tuesday Morning and cried like a baby. I'd love to read more of her books. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me.

sweetsue said...

I haven't read anything by Kingsbury yet. I listen to audio books on road trips.

smchester at gmail dot com

sharon54220 said...

First off, I've never read anything by Karen Kingsbury. Secondly, I've never listened to Audio Books. I've been wanting too, but haven't had the opportunity to yet.

I would greatly appreciate an entry into your contest.

Sherrylinn said...

Have not ready anything by her yet, hoping to pick up one of her books soon.

I listen to audio books on my break at work, or in the car.

slcremer at gmail dot com

Gypsy Rose Creations said...

i havent read anything by Karen Kingsbury but i listen to audio books all the day. I listen to them in the car as i make fortnightly trips between Ravensthorpe and Perth in Australia (5.5 hrs there and 5.5 back).

cpullum said...

I listen to audio books in my car! I drive 120 miles a day so this would be perfect!

Qwill said...

I haven't read anything by Kingsbury but it sounds interesting. I listen to audiobooks when we take trips in the car.

Lindsey said...

I listen to audiobooks on my computer while cleaning the house or exercising - this would be wonderful! I haven't read anything by Karen Kingsbury yet but I know I'm missing out.

Thanks for the giveaway!

ladyufshalott at

Dawn M. said...

I've never read anything by Karen Kingsbury but I hear they're great books so I'd love to try one. I like to listen to audiobooks when I'm working or on the computer.

Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com

toohotforturtle said...

I haven't read anything by Kingsbury, but would like to. I listen to audiobooks in the car or on the treadmill

janetfaye said...

I love to listen to audio books when I go for long walks.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

MD said...

I listen to audiobooks in the car, or right before bed.

windycindy said...

Hello! I especially liked Karen's book, Hannah's Hope! Please enter me in your audiobook giveaway drawing. Seems these days, I get more books read by listening to them! Thanks, Cindi

Sunny said...

I've read her Redemption series (need to finish the F and S series too!) I also recently read This Side of Heaven and thought it was fantastic! Grab a tissue.

I listen to audiobooks when I'm on the treadmill. Gotta pass the time somehow!

sj3girls at hotmail dot com

Janet said...

I am interested in reading this book thanks.


Jinxy and Me said...

No, I haven't read anything by her yet. I listen to audio books in the car.

Blodeuedd said...

If it's open worldwide then I am in, cos I do confess that I don't own a single audiobook.

blodeuedd1 (at)

Toystory said...

I don't believe I have heard/read a Kingsbury book before. However I devour audio books on my way to and from work. At first abridged was fine, but now...banish the thought... Unabridged as the story is so much better when it's all there ~~ and to/from work - there is no reason to hurry since the traffic won't let you anyway.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read anything by Kingsbury but I am looking forward to this book.

Nickolay said...

I have never read anything by Kingsbury. I drive a lot and I love to listen to audio books while I am on the road

Troop 50412 said...

I listen to books on cd while cleaning my house.

Colette S said...

I haven't yet read anything by Kingbury, but I listen to audio books on our CD player

I definitely would love to win this!

Molly C. said...

I haven't read any of her books, but would love the chance to. I like to listen to audiobooks while I work out at the gym.

Candie L said...

I have never read any of her books, but I am very familiar with her work. I would love this. We are going on a road trip this summer and this would be great to listen to on the road. Thank you


Betty C said...

I haven't read any of her books yet but she has an interesting list. I would love to start with this one.

Donna M. Clark said...

I have not yet listened to any of her books. Or at least, not that I realized. I listen to audioooks while I a doing my exercises, and while I am driving for long distances. thank you for having this giveaway.

disneyfanheather said...

I haven't yet read any of her books, but I know quite a few people who enjoy her books.

Unknown said...

I've not ready anything by Ms. Kingsbury, though I have a number of her books in the TRB mountain. I have a couple of her series that I really want to read. I love audiobooks and listen to them in my car all the time. LOL, I haven't listened to the radio in more than a year!

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