Friday, January 16, 2009

Are You on Twitter?

If you are, please leave your twitter name in comments along with a note about whether or not you're a book blogger or an author or something else. :)

Spread the word.

We need a comprehensive list. If there already is one, point me to it!



Anonymous said...

Hey Amy, Blogger, reviewer (oh how I wish I was an author ;) ). I'm klarusu twitter and everywhere....

Alea said...

Well you know I'm on twitter but I felt like coming over here and commenting, I go by mint910! I am a book blogger!

S. Krishna said...

What a great idea! I'm skrishna on Twitter (as you know)

Beth F said...

I'm on twitter as @BethFishReads

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

I'm on Twitter as Cassidy_McKay

Romance Author. :)

Lisa Roe said...

GREAT idea, Amy!! I'm here:

I'm a book publicist who focuses her efforts on online publicity. :-D

Jana said...

I'm on twitter as jfaustus (book blogger)

Anonymous said...

I'm bermudaonion on Twitter, of course. I'm a book blogger -

J.C. Montgomery said...

Heya Amy. I twitter as Passionata, and you already know me as The Biblio Brat, but I also keep an online journal of my writing and poetry at Loose Leafs from a Commonplace

Anonymous said...

Hi I am on twitter its cindysloveofbooks. I am a blogger/reviewer

Jen said...

This is a really good idea. My Twitter name (as you know) is @dailyjen. Not really a book blogger per say, but I like books. :)

CherryBlossomMJ said...

Book Blogger and other things full of Creative Madness...

Anonymous said...

This is a great comprehensive list:

Anonymous said...

I am katiebabs and book blogger freak :D

Sandra said...

Can anyone explain or direct me to an explanation of what twitter is and what a book blogger would use it for. The explanation at twitter said practically nothing and I don't know what these things are for or how to use them. Thank you in advance.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm on twitter... although I hardly use it because... well, I don't know. But, it's hooked up to my postings so that a tweet is sent when I post.

Anonymous said...

Book blogger at book:thirty. Twitter ID is bookthirty. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm on Twitter: MsBookish. Book blogger!

Cathy said...

I'm a book blogger on Twitter as cathyskye.

Anonymous said...

I'm bookladysblog. But you know that already :)

Sandra said...

My twitter name is posthumouse, I'm a book blogger.
is my page. I still don't get what it's used for, thanks for trying Amy, and I did read all the info after signing up but I don't understand most of it. Since I can comment on any blog any time and get everything through my reader I don't see the point, but people keep asking so I signed up.

Chrisbookarama said...

Here's mine:

Florinda said...

I'm on Twitter: florinda_3rs. My blog is for book reviews and plenty of other randomness (the third "r").

Mrs. Magoo said...


I'm a book blogger and my username is mrsmagooreads

Anonymous said...

Comprehensive, eh? Good luck!

I'm a book blogger -- @shereadsbooks. But you knew this already :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a book blogger, and I'm moonsoar on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

I'm bluestockingbb and I'm a book blogger.

Becky said...

My twitter name is blbooks I'm a book blogger/reviewer :)

Ana S. said...

I've been resisting Twitter...but seeing so many blogging friends there is not helping :P

Jena said...

you know mine too--muse2323 (book blogger) :)

Hoarders Extraordinaire said...

I'm on twitter too... tbbycatt

and I'm a blogger

Anonymous said...

I'm on Twitter in two places

Book Revewer: Presentsgirl
Romance Author News: Authorbuzz

Kara S. said...

I'm on Twitter at Kara_S. I'm a blogger and book reviewer.

Anonymous said...

I'm on Twitter! I'm a book blogger. Here's my handle: thebluestockings

Anonymous said...

Okay...take the "s" off of that.

Jessica @ The Bluestockings Society
Twitter: thebluestocking
Book Blogger

Lindsey said...

I'm on Twitter as kindred_spirit

I tweet about books, reviews, my daughter. :-)

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

I am thebookgirl and I'm a book blogger!

Anonymous said...

Of course I'm on Twitter! I'm @mawbooks. I know there is the bookies group with their dedicated blog.

Shelly B said...

Yes, I'm on Twitter as writereader and I am a book blogger, reviewer, and teacher.

Ruth King said...

I'm on Twitter as BookishRuth. Which reminds me, I haven't posted in awhile...

Anonymous said...

I'm on twitter as marny. My blog is

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy-
I am on Twitter as thesleepyreader and I have a book blog with the same name.

Anonymous said...

I am DianaHayes on Twitter. I'm not a book blogger, but I post reviews of cookbooks sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Great idea with the list! I'm a book blogger and on Twitter I'm thatbookaddict.

Tarasview said...

My twitter name is Tarasview and I am a book blogger (

Elizabeth said...

I'm pretty sure you know this, but on Twitter I am ElithePinkEye (seriously, don't ask why), and I am a book blogger. That felt like the start of an AA meeting. =)

Andi said...

I'm on Twitter as Andi_N please look me up

The Tome Traveller said...

Very wise for thinking of this, Amy!

I'm on twitter as @tometraveller I'm a book blogger / reviewer. My blog is :


Anonymous said...

Book blogger here!

Anonymous said...

I'm on twitter "writebyfaith"..I'm a blogger, review, interview but dream of being published.

Hoarders Extraordinaire said...

Hi Amy

I twitter as tbbycatt

email is

Luanne said...

I'm LuanneO on Twitter ( original eh?)

Anonymous said...

I'm a book publicist for Author Marketing Experts, @PaulaatAME. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm ocelott on twitter, book blogger/reviewer from Genre Reviews.

Anonymous said...

I am on twitter as jess_mango. I am a book & food blogger.

Anonymous said...

Book and Product Reviewer
Thanks Amy

Anonymous said...

Book Blogger: @wifeandmomof3

Farrah from The Book Faery Reviews

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