Saturday, December 27, 2008

Please Take This Poll About Blogger Response to Comments

Perhaps responding to comments is a straightforward issue for a lot of you, but it's something I'm always trying to figure out the best way to deal with.

The big question is: Should I respond to comments in comments or via email?

Obviously if the comment is of a personal or private nature, I respond via email. If I want to be sure the commenter reads my response, I respond via email. But sometimes I think it's more conversational to answer in comments and encourages more discussion. If you ask the blogger a question in comments, do you subscribe to the comments? If the post gets a lot of comments do you feel annoyed by all the email you then get because you subscribed? Just curious.

Please take this poll about your preference:



Sandra said...

An interesting question since I just recently complained (in a blog comment) about getting comments or compliments by email. I'd much rather see them on my book blog where my readers can see them too. Even those of a negative nature toward something I've written should be available to my readers, it's part of the dialogue.
I have a couple of issues about blog commenting but I'm so glad you brought this one up Amy. I hope you get some good input on this subject.

stacey @ bookthirty said...

Too bad there is not a button that says, "Do you expect a response to your comments?" Because, to be honest, I never expect a response to my comments, and I am surprised when I do get one (and they are always via email). And perhaps I bug people when they comment on my blog, and I don't respond either. I guess in my case, blogging and reading blogs (and occasionally commenting)take up a lot of time, so the one place I can save is in responding to my own blog comments. I think I'll get there some day. (and I hope I still have readers when I do!) ;)

Robin M said...

Good question. Whenever I leave a response in a comment, I'll subscribe if I want to follow up or see what every one else has to say.


Mimi N said...

Kind of an interesting question. If there's a question in my comments, then I typically want to respond to it. It's hard when they don't leave an email addy to or don't have a blog to find a way to contact them. I don't mind email responses because I'm not a comment addict. Someone who commented recently on my blog has her own blog and was discussing "comment whores". I found it rather amusing. Don't get me wrong, I like to have people respond to what I post on my blog, it just doesn't ruin my day if no one comments.

Tessa Talk said...

I've always chosen to reply to comments made in _my_ blog ~ by going to _that_ person's blog, and replying there.

Because I myself find it difficult to return to blogs, to see if any response to my comment, has been made. [Guess I'm way behind, because I don't sub to Comments, as you asked.]

And as you can see, I couldn't actually take your poll. Sorry...

Lezlie said...

I agree with Robin. If I comment on a blog, I usually subscribe to see what others say also. Great question!


Renay said...

I usually respond in comments with a pointer toward the comment I'm addressing, although I've been considering copy/pasting my responses in e-mail, as well, for people who don't have time to revisit to see if I've said something. It seems like that might be annoying, though, and spam-like.

It's the biggest part of livejournal I wish I could bring with me: threaded comments and the automatic e-mailing of direct replies. *pines*

Anonymous said...

I basically handle it just like you. If it's personal, or I'm not sure the person will check back for a response, I e-mail. Otherwise, I respond in the comments.

When I'm reading blogs, I always check back for responses, unless my comment was simply something like "Merry Christmas."

Jena said...

well, blogger doesn't make it easy to thread comments, so I tend to reply to comments via email. if blogger threaded replies to comments, I'd far prefer that, but not threading them makes them confusing to read--plus, I seldom return to a post I've commented on to see if there are any replies.

Anonymous said...

Great question, Amy! I've been getting more responses to comments back via email these days. I don't mind it (yet), because it's not overwhelming (yet), but I generally prefer to keep the conversation in the Comments section.

Of course, if it's of a personal nature it belongs in email.

I don't subscribe to any Comments sections; I have enough to do, keeping up with the blogs in my Reader. If I ask a question and expect the blogger will respond to it, I take the responsibility of checking that post a few days later (admittedly, I don't always remember!)

Jen said...

I don't expect any response when I leave a comment on someone's blog unless I asked a question. I think one of the best ways is to respond on the other person's blog. I personally love to get comments (as do most bloggers) so it seems like the best place to do it. Plus, I've actually had a few people visit me because they read a comment I left on someone else's blog.

S. Krishna said...

Interesting question - I usually e-mail or go to the other person's blog to comment, but it's not conducive to conversation

bermudaonion said...

Hmm - I'm not sure. I tend to respond to comments both ways. If the comment brings up a question that makes me think my post is not clear, I reply in the comments section, otherwise I email. I think the problem with replying in the comments is that I don't always think to look back at the post to see if my question was answered.

Literary Feline said...

When someone takes the time to leave a comment on my blog, I like to respond back individually if I can. I want them to know I appreciate the time they took to stop in and say something. Sometimes I may do a group comment if it's a general post like for the holidays. I usually leave my responses on my own blog because I figure it is all part of the ongoing dialog. I do subscribe to others' blogs when I leave comments either through blogger or Commentful in case someone responds to a comment I've left on his or her blog.

I admit that I do like it when people acknowledge my visit to their blog either by e-mail, leaving a comment on my own blog or commenting to my comment on their personal blog. The format really doesn't matter to me.

I understand people are busy and responding to comments can be time consuming, especially if you have a blog that attracts a lot of readers. If you have over 100 commenters, can you really be expected to respond back? Probably not. Still, I think it's a nice thing to do.

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