Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Important News for LOST Fans

There's only 63 days left to the premiere of LOST season 5 (yay!!!!!!!!!) which will be a blissful 3 hours hour of playing catch-up and two new hours with our favorite Losties.

And the LOST goodness is starting to come out. This Thursday (tomorrow), get this, there will be a one minute premiere of the new Fray song to a LOST promo during Grey's Anatomy. I know, huh? I was beginning to think the Fray had maybe got lost on an island themselves. I can't wait to hear new music from them and get a few milliseconds of clues to the new season of LOST.

(The picture above is the LOST season 5 promo poster. I'm sad Jin is missing. :( But I absolutely love the look of it.)


Anonymous said...

Gah!! Can't wait! *runs off to tell my BF who got me hooked on LOST*

KyleeJ said...

I love how they are separated.

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