Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bookworm Award and Yes I'm a Book Nerd

Lesa at Lesa's Book Critiques and Sheri at A Novel Menagerie gave me the Bookworm Award! I'm so happy, because I enjoy being a bookworm.

Here are the rules:

Along with the award, there are a few rules. Open the closest book to you—not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment—to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence as well as the next two to five sentences. Pass this on to five blogging friends.

Well, the book closest to me is the book I'm currently reading, The House on Tradd Street by Karen White.

"He took her hand in both of his, and I thought I saw her melt a little as he smiled down at her. "Jack Trenholm. And the pleasure is all mine."

Good grief. Karen White is a fantastic writer who spins gorgeous sentences I can only envy and that is what comes up? Please be sure to check out her books anyway. They are so lovely.

Anyway, I'm tagging some people who probably already did this, but I lost track...
Julie of Booking Mama
Jen at Devourer of Books
Dawn at She is Too Fond of Books
Jennifer of Literate Housewife
Elizabeth at As Usual, I Need More Bookshelves

Now, just to give you some extra evidence that I'm a total book nerd, I was at Target the other looking at the books (as I always do) and heard a woman muttering under her breath as she looked for the book about bees. Now maybe normal people would just go along, but not me. I feel duty bound to help people find books. So I suggested she might be looking for The Secret Life of Bees (she was). This is the power of book bloggers people....I know that happens to be a bestselling book, but we are influencers for books even out there in that thing called the real world! We are so well informed from keeping up with each other's blogs that we know about books. Anyway...

Second bit of evidence is that when I went to see a life changing movie (if you've read this blog for any length of time you might know what I'm talking about, but probably not) and a preview came on, I knew within one second what it was for...Angels and Demons, which I read a few years ago.

What's your recent book nerd evidence?


Anonymous said...

I think I was pretty well-informed about the book world before I started blogging because I work in a bookstore, but I have realized that in the last several months, I've become much better at recommending books to readers outside of my usual genres because I've read about them on other blogs. Educating other readers and booksellers who in turn educate readers is one of the things the blogging community does that I really appreciate. Thanks for calling attention to this.

Evidence of my nerdiness? Whenever I come across a truly beautiful sentence or paragraph in whatever I'm reading, I pick up the phone and call my best friend to read it to her.

KyleeJ said...

I do they same thing - help people that just happen to be shopping in the same store. I actually helped a woman last Christmas who was looking for a book for her preteen (at Barnes & Noble). Then about 20 minutes later she sent someone else who needed suggestions over to me because she thought I worked there. :/

Annette said...

It is easy for me to strike up a conversation at a book store or the library, but then I hesitate because I think maybe the other person thinks I'm being noisy. I often though recommend a book if I see someone pick the book up as if they are thinking of reading it too.
When I was in the library recently another woman and I were both looking at books about classical composers, she and I talking about Renee Fleming, Bach, Motzart. I thought it was interesting that her boyfriend is a conductor in an orchestra.

Anonymous said...

haha that is my most favorite question ever...evidence of my book nerdiness...well I guess it can be seen the most in how the teens I work with view me...they are always asking me if I can bring them a new book to read as the call me the Book Queen :o)

There's that and the fact that I spend as much or more time in a bookstore on Monday's than I do in my class at grad school. Sigh...oh my love of the bookstore :o)

Amy said...

Miss Daisy Anne...I know, I felt a little awkward b/c she seemed slightly uncomfortable, but I just can't help it! If I know what she's looking for, why stay quiet? I moved quickly away to ease her discomfort. Some people only read a few books a year as opposed to a few a week, like me! :)

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