Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tote Bags'n'Blogs Giveaway 2!

I'm a little behind sorting out winners, but here's the next contest for Tote Bags'n'Blogs!

Today there will be two winners! They will each win a tote bag with books and other goodies!

Head on over to the Tote Bags'n'Blogs blog and look around. Come back and tell me about at least 2 posts you read and make at least one comment on one them. Megan's post doesn't count!

Good luck!


Dina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
asdfjkl; said...

Post #1: Saturday, September 13, 2008
All In The Family ~ by Fiona Lowe
This post was about how you can sometimes see your own family in the movies and books you watch and read. -Commented on this one-

Post #2: Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This post was about how the firsts are always memorable.


Dina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julie P. said...

I read quite a few, but I'll specifically mention "How Michael Phelps saved the Olympics" and "Harlequin Party Report."

Anonymous said...

I love how personal the blog can hit you. I read the one about the "Firsts" and the one about seeing your family in movies and such. I loved the one about the blogger's firsts. I think that all girls love remembering these things because it just shows that we're growing up. There's still many "firsts" i haven't experienced myself. haha. Kind of a late bloomer i guess. anyways, please enter me in the contest. thanks. =)

- Carmen T

Jessica Y. said...

Fantastic giveaway! I read and commented on "Firsts..." and read "Covering covers." Thanks!

jess%%%4002 [at] gmail [dot] com
(without the %%%)

Ladytink_534 said...

I read her Firsts post and I commented on the My Favourite Time of the Year (Autumn). I'm going to add this blog to my Google Reader now!

Anonymous said...

I read the post about "Firsts" and commented on a couple of my firsts.

I also read Fiona Lowe's post about "All in the Family" where she discusses films and books that she relates to and why.

jennifersrandommusings (at)

cindysloveofbooks said...

Hi I read and commented on the "First" topic and then I read the rest of the blog but especially the one about her son doing stand up.


cindysloveofbooksarc AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I read 'Firsts' and commented about my own first kiss (ewwwwww...not a good start for me)and I read and commented on "My favourite time of year - Donna Alward" (I agree with her about fall--it's the most wonderful time of the year!

darbyscloset said...

Okay, I read the post titled "Firsts..." and commented on it, then I read the post titled "Where do you get your ideas?".
Both very fun and informaive! Good blog -
Thank you!!
darbyscloset (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I loved the post on "Firsts" - it brought back some very fun memories. I also liked "All in the Family" for the same reason!

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

I couldn't resist commenting on the "First..." post and I also really enjoyed the "Where do you get your ideas ? - Kate Walker" post.


jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Great blog! I had never been there before. I commented on Firsts as well and enjoyed reading the post called All in the Family since I watch lots of movies.

Beatrice said...

I read her blogs about first loves and comfort reading. They both really struck a note with me. I hadn't thought about my first kiss for a long time, and it was fun to think back to my first romance novel. I also have a stack of books by my bed--I can't fathom not having something to read!

I had a lot of fun reading the posts about her son's stand up comedy and ideas, too. Thanks for the link, the giveaway, and BBAW!

Anonymous said...

I read
• Firsts,
• All In The Family ~ by Fiona Lowe, and
• Where do you get your ideas? - Kate Walker.

I commented on the last one, in which Walker talks about where she gets ideas for books.

All in the Family is a post about how we as consumers recognize our family in books and films.

And Firsts is about first love, first kiss, first romance ...

hannah DOT free AT gmail DOT com

Amanda said...

I read the post Firsts and commented on it. It's about our first kiss, first love, first romance novel we read. I also Read All in the Family about how we often can find similarities between movie and book characters and members of our own families and perhaps friends. Thanks for the giveaway! awalworth19(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

SO glad you sent me over there - did you know Susanna Carr has a post about Olympians who are on your "men to do" list????? YIKES! I don't even have a men to do list! (Or, I didn't, before reading that post.)

And then I went back and read the post from my birthday, and commented on it. It's by Kate Walker, called 12 points for writing romance, and was actually hugely informative.

Aerinblogs AT aol DOT com

Madeleine said...

I entered 2 posts, one on the first...and one on comfort reads

I agree with many about the post ALL IN THE FAMILLY I often find resemblances to my family members and friends in books sometimes good and sometimes not so good

madeleine444 AT Gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Blueviolet, Cindy and Tawny posts but the first one by Donna Alward I loved; loved not only the post but love her books as well.

Dina said...

So sorry, deleted to repost, I errored, lol.Shouldn't try to type with headache going on.

I visit there daily. :)

I've read and commented at these blogs: today Firsts by Tawny Weber... and Thursday, September 11, 2008 Can I Tempt You?



Book Sp(l)ot said...

I read th about Jinx--which I've seen somewhere lately but I forget where--and then I read about Shayla Black's new book...that I'm looking up more info on right now :)

Nise' said...

Read Firsts and Research is Fun! Commented on Firsts.

Anonymous said...

I read Firsts and All in the Family. I commented on Firsts!

Anonymous said...

I read firsts...It detailed her first love, first kiss (same person), and her first romance novel love! (The first kiss made me chuckle, lol).
I also read Where do you get your ideas ? - Kate Walker...It details the process Kate uses to find inspiration/ideas for her writing (I laughed when I found out she once wrote a book just to incorporate the line: "I don't know who the hell you are, but you're certainly not my wife!") - I commented on this one (I'm Jay...well I'm not, my son is, lol)

Icedream said...

I read Where Do You Get Your Ideas by Kate Walker and I read and commented on My Favourite Time of Year by Donna Alward

Anonymous said...

Tote Bags'n'Blogs is one of my favorite blogs, and I visit there regularly. Today I read and commented on the All in the Family article about books and movies. I also enjoyed Tawny's and Megan's articles, and I left a comment for Christina on hers. And don't you think the cover for Anna Campbell's book is wonderful?

Shooting Stars Mag said...

I read Firsts and "All In The Family ~ by Fiona Lowe" as well. All in the Family is the one that I left a commen on. :)


windycindy said...

Hi, I enjoyed Christina Hollis' article. She talks about how every author gets at least one wonderful moment ~ that perfect phrase, a love story clicks or the call that comes to buy your work. Then, there are times of disappointment! She asks if anyone ever lets their heroine take the brunt of the down times?! I found that very interesting. Thanks, Cindi

Jena said...

I read "Firsts"--what a great first kiss description--and Anna Gracie's "Research Is Fun!" in which Gracie describes a research trip, which was supposed to be a "quickie" , to a foundling hospital and where she discovered a display of trinkets left for the babies by their mothers, which supplied the basis for a story in her book. (comments on both)

Cindy W said...

Firsts and All in the Family.

Re: First, How do you not remember your first romance book? I read Perfect by Judith McNaught and still remember it perfectly!!

Tammy said...

I read All in the Family and Research is Fun, and left a comment on Research.

Loved the part of Family when she talks about While You Were Sleeping -- the scene for me was when the family was in church. That one is MY family in public!

CrystalGB said...

I read Tawny Webber's Firsts post and Anna Campbell's Can I Tempt You? post.
I love this blog. They have great posts by some amazing authors.

Rebekah (monkeygirlsmama) said...

That's such a great blog. I read and commented on the Anne McAllister post in which she discussed book dedications. I also read and left a comment on Susanna Carr's "Men to Do" post. Both were excellent!


Anonymous said...

I read the post about Firsts (and commented on that one) and I also read the post about All in the true! Love it when books/movies connect like that.


Maureen said...

I read Anna Campbell's post about her upcoming book and posted on Anne Gracie's post about orphanage's where mother's had to leave a token behind with their child so the child could be identified if she decided not to give him/her up.

Anonymous said...

That Vital Spark - Christina Hollis and
Can I Tempt You? by Anna Campbell

I love these authors. Anna is one of my absolute faves. I loved her cover of Tempt the Devil. Th book won't be out til December which sucks b/c I want to read it now. LOL

Kathleen said...

I read and commented on (and enjoyed) the post about summer reads and the post about firsts.

callista83 AT cogeco DOT ca

Susan B. said...

Hi Amy,
I read : 5-books-i-read-over-summer & read and posted on:Jenny Gardiner, self-help books, Sleeping with Ward Cleaver.

Thank you,
Susan B.
sbussey AT

PS if this posts twice Sorry, the blog kept jumping & throwing me out!!!

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