Saturday, September 13, 2008

BBAW Awards 2008 Presentation Schedule

Did you notice there are are a lot of BBAW awards? I sure did! So to make it easier on us all, and so that every blog nominated can enjoy the spotlight, these awards will be presented Wednesday morning through Thursday night at the following blogs. These blogs were asked to host because they jumped in early with their support for BBAW and because they are awesome.

Wednesday Morning

Age 30+: A Lifetime in Books
Best Meme/Carnival/Event
Best Commenter/Commentator

Booking Mama
Best Design
Best Book Club Blog

Wednesday Evening

Caribou's Mom
Most Humorous Blog

My Friend Amy
Best Publishing/Industry Blog

Stephanie's Confessions of a Book-a-holic
Best Name for a Blog
Best Challenge Host

Literate Housewife
Best Community Builder
Best Author Blog

Best Book Published in 2008

Bookroom Reviews
Best Book Community Site
Most Chatty

Most Concise
Most Extravagant Giveaways

Thursday Morning

My Friend Amy
Best General Book Blog

Stephanie's Confessions of a Book-a-holic
Best Romance Blog
Best Kidlit Blog

Literate Housewife
Best Fantasy/Sci-fi/Horror/Spec-fic Blog
Best History/Historical Blog

Best Literary Fiction Blog
Best Cookbook Blog

Bookroom Reviews
Best YA Lit Blog

Best Thrillers/Mystery/Suspense Blog

Caribou's Mom
Best Non-fiction Blog
Most Eclectic Taste

The Friendly Book Nook
Best Christian/Inspirational Blog

Thursday Evening

My Friend Amy
Most Altruistic Blog


Unknown said...

This is so exciting! Next week will be fun, fun, fun!
Bobbi's Book Nook

Kris said...

That sounds like fun, I cannot wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see everyone out on the red carpet :)

Becky said...

I'm looking forward to next week, with the awards and the will be SO much fun :)

Anonymous said...

Amy, just plain amazing.....thanks!

Serena said...

This is going to be fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Amy thank you for all you have done to organize and create this fun week for everyone interested in Book Blogging.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, is there going to be one place, later on, where all the winners will be posted?

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