Thursday, August 14, 2008

Book Blogger Appreciation Week September 15-19

Book Bloggers: You work hard. You read books, you write reviews, you maintain relationships with your readers, publicists, and authors. You are constantly running to the post office to mail your giveaways and participating in carnivals to help boost traffic. You sometimes want to faint when you see the size of your TBR pile, but faithfully you read. And you do it because you love it. Book blogging is for most a hobby. But it's a hobby that takes a lot of work and time. It's a labor of love.

I've been blogging for three years but only really got into book blogging in the last year. I have found, without a doubt, that book bloggers are the kindest, most open minded, and supportive group of bloggers on the internet. With book blogging, it's about community and a love for the written word.

The Readers: We love you! You don't have a blog, but you read our reviews and share your thoughts with us. You enter our giveaways and click on our Amazon associates link. We do this for you and appreciate your readership. We hope you'll join in the fun and festivities of BBAW! (we'll have a special contest just for you!)

Book Blogger Appreciation Week: Acknowledging the hard work of book bloggers and their growing impact on book marketing and their essential contribution to book buzz in general, I am excited to announce the first Book Blogger Appreciation Week. Think of it as a retreat for book bloggers and a chance for us to totally nerd out over books together. And of course, shower each other with love and appreciation.

Register: In order to experience the maximum impact of the week, I invite you to register your participation (just like a retreat)!
To register, just send an email to bookbloggerappreciationweekATgmailDOTcom with your blog url and what you consider your niche...i.e, general book blog, classics blog, personal blog with a healthy dose of books, YA books blog, etc. Then, add one of the two buttons at the bottom of this post to your sidebar. If you are a reader (no blog) just send an email announcing your plans to follow along.
Why bother? If you register, you will be added to a book blog directory which will exist long after this week is over. Additionally, you will receive one raffle entry into the daily giveaways during BBAW here at My Friend Amy.

Awards: Oh yes, there will be awards. The Oscars of Book Blogging. :) Nominations start next week.

Spread the Word: If you are excited about this idea like I am and the other book bloggers who are helping, please consider writing a post on your blog announcing this event and inviting other book bloggers and readers to join.

Help Wanted: If you have a talent for designing buttons (like those below) and would like to donate some of your time and skill to me, please email me personally at mypalamyATgmailDOTcom



Lezlie said...

Very cool idea!


Lezlie said...

Just FYI -- I posted about your event on my blog with a link to your post. I hope you have lots and lots of participants!


Anonymous said...

Count me in on everything! I'll be in touch!

Becky said...

This sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

Great post! I will be posting about this next week also and I will send you an e-mail:)

Serena said...

I hope to post this on my blog tomorrow at the latest! This sounds like a fantastic idea!

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I'm adding you to my Friday Field Trips post tomorrow.

Jenn's Bookshelves said...

Love this idea! Count me in!

Kara said...

I blogged about this event....

Anonymous said...

I love this! I put a button on my blog and will definitely post about it! Thanks! How do you like these exclamation points?!

Anonymous said...

I'll be posting about this in a few as well.

zetor said...

My blog address is this is a personal blog including books. Brilliant idea.

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

What a great idea!

jezebelsk said...

I just sent an e-mail registering for this, and I added a button to my blog that links to this post! I'm so excited!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Melody said...

What fun! I've blogged about this event here. :)

Kim said...

I think this is a fabulous idea, and I have emailed my blog information to you. However, I'm technically challenged and can't figure out how to add the button to my sidebar. Help, anyone?

kimfurd at hotmail dot com

Florinda said...

GREAT idea! I've e-mailed you, and will be posting about the event this weekend - definitely count me in!

Anonymous said...

This looks interesting. I have a personal blog with a healthy dose of books. My web site is I would like to be included but for some reason I cannot get through to the address you gave us. Can you mark me down and let me know so I can write a comment on my blog. Thanks

Alessandra said...

Great idea! I've emailed you - please count me in!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Oh, how fun! I posted about this on my blog here:

and emailed you!


Ronnica said...

This is a cool idea. I am part of a group book blog...could we participate? Let me know, and if so I'll shoot you an email to register!

Ruth King said...

This is a wonderful idea! I'll be sending you an e-mail in just a few minutes.

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

What a fantastic idea! I have blogged about this event here! And I have added a button to my blog also.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting this sure to be great event. I've posted it on my blog here. Since moving to Wordpress I haven't been able to get pictures/buttons to show on my sidebar but never fear if I can't make that happen I'll put a direct link to your blog and a feed.

Shoshana said...

This is such a great idea!

Chrisbookarama said...

Can't wait! Love the buttons too.

Here I am

Anonymous said...

I like this!!

Patricia Altner said...

This is such a great idea!

I have placed a button with a link on Patricia's Vampire Notes.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea! I already posted about it on my Blog, and i'll post a button soon!

Kayla (Midnight Twilight)

Marg said...

I've blogged about this here and sent an email off to you. Great idea!

Bibliolatrist said...

Thank you for doing this -- this sounds like fun.

Unfortunately Blogger is giving me a hard time right now, so I can't get the button to appear on my sidebar (I can't edit my layout at all, as a matter of fact). I'll get it there soon!

jenclair said...

Great idea! Book Blogging becomes a passion, doesn't it?

A Garden Carried in the Pocket

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea. I'll be doing a post about this sometime this week and send you an email. Thanks for hosting!

gautami tripathy said...

I am going for it!

Great idea...

Darlene said...

Sounds like a great idea Amy. I sent you off an email. Thanks.

Victoria said...

This sounds like fun. :) I sent in a registration e-mail, and I blogged about it right here:

Mari said...

I posted info on my blog. :)

SFP said...

Thanks for doing this, Amy. I'll post about Appreciation week and send an email.

Susan at

Unknown said...

Hi Amy! I emailed you, added the button, and I blogged about it here:

Great idea!

Cathy said...

Sent my email, put the button on my sidebar, posted about it...I'm rarin' to go. Great idea!

Bybee said...

What a great idea! Thanks for doing this!

I've been blogging for about 4 years now, and I'm really lucky to have met so many wonderful people who love books just as much or more than I do.


Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

OK, I'll pile on. Along with all the others. You may reach book blogger critical mass!

Jace said...

Great idea. I'm in! Here's the link to my blog post.


Anonymous said...

Count me in! Here's my post.

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I'm going to post a link on my Journalscape and can't wait to follow along!


Rowena said...

What an awesome event, thanks for putting it together.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I'll definitely participate and blog about it!

Rebekah (monkeygirlsmama) said...

Super fun idea. I sent in my info to you. Thanks!

Stacy~ said...

Love this idea, and I'm showing my support:

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea! I am in :D

Ramblings on Romance

Lorin said...

Sounds like fun! I added the button and will put up a post later.

Nicola O. said...

Registered, posted, and buttoned!

The Bookworm said...

great idea, I posted here


Anonymous said...

Registered & Posted!

I've also been playing with making buttons.

Yvonne said...

I'm in! I sent an email, posted on my blog and added the button to my sidebar. It sounds like fun.

Bridget Locke said...

What a great idea! I've got 2 blogs. Will post on both. Confusing much! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! I'm definitely in! I'll send you an email in a bit!

Lori's Reading Corner said...

What a great idea. I posted on my blog and have already sent you an email :)

Madeleine said...

I love this idea, I love books and more books =)

I am going to e-mail you and add a button to my sidebar

Bev(QB) said...

I found you through Book Binge and think this is a really fun idea! Count me in, please.

Ana said...

Great idea! Count me in and I blogged about it today.

Anonymous said...

You are so cool! I've been seeing this around and have taken note and then it dawned on me that I hadn't read the official OFFICIAL post... now I have. You are so right: the book blogging community IS awesome!

Leanna Ellis said...

What a cool idea! Can authors come hang out?

Thanks for doing this for all the wonderful bloggers out there!

Leanna Ellis

Paulette Harris said...

Hey, I am new at this blog thing, but what I'd love to join up. Tiffany Amber Stockton sent me an email inviting me to join up. I am not far on it. I write inspirational,uplifting and encouraging blogs. Tiffany is teaching me how to connect with others and my web site.
Paulette Harris

Anonymous said...

Great idea, Amy! I sent you an email and will be happy to donate 5 copies of my novel, Mistress of the Revolution, for your giveaway.

Jeanne said...

I just found you from SFP at Pages Turned, and signed up for the book bloggers appreciation week festivities.

LaShaunda said...

I signed up :) Look forward to the fun. Promoted it on my blogs too.

Donna said...

Can't wait for the week to begin!! I have it up on my site.

Anonymous said...

GREAT idea Amy! I added your button to my main site, registered, and posted about the contest on my blog today. I'll be following up with weekly reminders to my readers as well.

Brett Schulte
TOCWOC - A Civil War Blog

Booked Books said...

Awesome! I've posted about this. =D I can't wait.

gautami tripathy said...

I have linked this post with mine!

Framed said...

Please count me in. Here's a link to my post:

Thanks for hosting this. I think it will be so much fun.

Tyora Moody said...

Great idea! I posted the button at

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Idea - I've emailed and posted on my site. Looking forward to it!

I love the buttons too! Well done!

Gentle Reader said...

Great idea--will post about it on my blog too!

Stephanie Reed said...

Wow, what a fantastic idea! This is like the mother lode of review lists. I triple appreciate it, as an author, blogger reviewer, and as a reader. I will definitely register.

Luanne said...

Great idea! Count me in - I've sent you an email!

Carolyn Crane said...

Okay, I finally linked to this! I think I'm not very good at following directions. I love the idea of a central list though. So cool!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I am posting here:


Terry Doherty said...

Stupendous idea. I've got the button up and will be blogging about it here.

Anonymous said...

I just posted about this, i think its a fantastic idea!

lisabea said...

I'm in!!! So cool.

Vickie said...

Anonymous said...

Not sure how I missed out on being listed, but I have linked to this project in a couple of places on my blog

Cloud 9 said...

I just posted about blogger appreciation week. What a great idea!

nobooksnolife said...

Thank you for doing this! I am having difficulty putting the button on my blog. I can't tell if it's an eBlogger issue, a Safari issue, or my own stupidity. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I love this idea and I'm sorry I've been a tad slow to jump on the bandwagon. However, I think at the very least this offers chances for some much needed cross-pollination of readers and some exposure for many of us.

Thank you for taking this bold step.

--Greg "The Undead Rat" Fisher

Booklogged said...

I just sent of my email. Hope you get it. This is a fantastic idea.

Anonymous said...

I have a pic and link in a post and on my sidebar on my blog,

Robin Bayne said...

Got the link and graphic up!

Anonymous said...

I'm taking part with my book. Also: do you need free review copies as giveaway prizes? I am the author of a novel called THE SPANISH BOW, which just came out in paperback this week from Harcourt, and I could supply a few copies; just let me know!

Anonymous said...

can some1 tell me how to put the buttons on my myspace ?
usually it ccp the codes, so im lost here

Becky said...

I just finished reading a great book called, "Pinch Hitter," by Dean Whitney. The book is about a man who finally fulfills his dream of making it onto a big league baseball team. I don't usually like baseball books, but really loved this one- there was a great story line attached to it. I laughed, I cried- yea get your Kleenex if you read this book! It is a great book!

Samplings Of My World said...

Is it too late for me to take part? I will post a blurb about this on my blog.

cindysloveofbooks said...

blogger won't let me post it in my side bar so I posted it for now in my blog section. Hope that its okay?

velocibadgergirl said...

What a cool idea! I hope I made it in before the deadline :D

Sandra said...

I have registered and posted the image linked back to this page. Thank you.

Deb Lund said...

As a children's author and teacher, I commend you for honoring book bloggers! When the flurry settles, come say hi.

Anonymous said...

I just sent my email. I found out about you and this event from APOOO Bookclub.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy - Way to go. Looks like you've started something good! Pamela Ewen

Busy Mama said...

I would love to be added to the directory - I do children's and adult book reviews - I am a Youth Services Librarian - and have been now for almsot 10 years!!!

Heather said...

I'm a bit slow off the mark and just found out about this appreciation week. I love it when I check my blog and find out that I have had a bunch of new visitors. Its even better when they let me know that they enjoy the same authors or that they are going to read a book after reading my review.

Book Maniac said...

What a great idea - sorry I am so late to it!

Anonymous said...

My favorite pet was Oliver, a Sealpoint Siamese who lived to be twenty-one years old. He was the kindest old thing, who loved everybody including the two obstreporous kittens that I brought into our household while he was living there. He mothered them and everyone who ever came to visit. If there is indeed a kitty heaven, Oliver is right up there with the free mice and cream!

אבי שיטרית said...

i have a new post about how to win back love how to ...

Anonymous said...

Blogger is a blog publishing system. It was created by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003.
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Marilyn Shoemaker said...

Count me in on all three of my blogs with giveaways as well. Posted this info on blogs, facebook and Twitter. Just sent you an email as I could not nominate any blogs, came up with a Google error.

Anonymous said...

Hi! My first time on your blog. Wrote an entry for the BBAW:

Book Dragon said...

I've got another title I'm giving away during BBAW.

Dirty Little Angels by Christopher Tusa

PDF format

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