Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!

I hope that you all had restful and relaxing holidays. I'm sure some of you are still off work and I'm envious. There was no part of me that was happy when my alarm clock sounded this morning and pulled me from some bizarre dream about visiting the Grand Canyon which was strangely located in Japan where I was paying 1000 dollars just to have a cell phone.

Today has that post-holiday feel, I can't quite get excited about taking down the decorations I put up for the month of December, but I'm starting to think about spring. Which works when you live in Southern California. Though it has been cold here, much to my delight.

My sister's family is probably leaving for the airport about now. It was good fun to see them all, my nieces are cute and sweet as ever. But I'm pretty worn out and anticipate collapsing the moment I get home from work tonight.

How were your holidays?

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