Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas, Darling Blog Readers

Well, it's just about that time.

I'm close to being on vacation for a week and a half. My sister's family is here, and Christmas is close. It's the loveliest time of the year.

I won't be doing much blogging over the next few days, I have a few things I'll post before Christmas, but this is my version of the blogcation. (love that word Euphrony!)

I'll stop in next week to share some thoughts on 2007 and resolutions for 2008. And of course you can look forward to a new chapter from a Christian fiction book on January 1st. Then life will return to normal once the new year kicks into full gear. I think you'll be doing the same thing, taking a break from the computer and work and just enjoying your families and friends. I wish you all the best, a day of joy and peace. But most of all, I wish you love. (if you now have a song in your head, I apologize, I simply couldn't help myself)



Thomas said...

Merry Christmas Amy. I hope that your Christmas is filled with a lot love and laughter.


kathryn said...

Enjoy your Christmas celebrations, Amy!

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