Monday, November 26, 2007


So did anyone go shopping this weekend? I see that most of you don't go on Friday, but how about the other days? I discovered that Saturday night is a great time to go...if you're not looking to get specific technology goodies for cheap. A lot of the same deals are on and the stores have mostly emptied out.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


euphrony said...

I went to Wal-Mart on Sunday night. For groceries.

Amy said...

yikes was there any food left?

Cristy said...

I voted on your poll that we don't go shopping on Friday, however, we did...we were at Walmart 3 times this past Friday! One grandmother needed new filters for her furnace, so we went to pick those up at the Walmart by her house. Then we went to the other grandmother's (an hour away) and called on the way to see if she needed anything. She said she had a list, but was planning to grocery shop on Saturday, so just to pick up some milk because she was out, so that made our 2nd trip. Once we got to her house, we took her out to dinner, and since we were going to be out, I suggested that she bring her list so we could take her grocery shopping, so she wouldn't have to get back out on Saturday...and that made our 3rd trip! We kinda laughed about going to Walmart 3 times within 6 hours the day after Thanksgiving, and buying not a single Christmas gift!

Amy said...

That is funny, Cristy! But at least you gifted your family members with your help!

Amy said...

That is funny, Cristy! But at least you gifted your family members with your help!

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