Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Nonfiction Reads I'm Looking Forward To

Yes, it's true, I don't read a lot of nonfiction. But I'd really like to work a little harder on that. Here are a few books that fall under the nonfiction category that I'm looking forward to. This concludes my series of posts on books I'm anticipating in the coming year, but I've already realized there are a great many more fabulous looking books coming out that didn't make my lists. So many books, limited time! Please though! Check out my other lists including Christian fiction books I'm anticipating, adult fiction, and YA fiction.

After Shock
After Shock: Searching for Honest Faith When Your World is Shaken by Kent Annan (IVP, February)
Continuing the theme of books born out of the Haiti earthquake, this one definitely looks interesting. Holding onto faith in the darkest of times can be nearly impossible...I look forward to Annan's words.

End of Sexual Identity
The End of Sexual Identity by Jennell Williams Paris
This one could go either way, but it's definitely worth trying. This is a conversation the church needs to have and the early endorsements on this one are pretty strong. I'm very curious about it. I'm all for opening up the conversation and hearing a variety of voices.

Spiritual Intimacy
Seeking Spiritual Intimacy by Glenn E. Myers (IVP, May)
This one appeals for a lot of reasons...I've never heard of these women, I love finding stories about influential women of faith, and I could use more spiritual intimacy in my own life. :)

Lord as Their Portion
The Lord as Their Portion: The Story of the Religious Orders and How They Shaped Our World by Elizabeth Rapley (Eerdmans, March)
This is a topic of which I'm woefully ignorant and I'd love to read a good book educating me on it!

Motherhood and Love: Beyond the Gendered Stereotypes of Theology by Christina Grenholm (Eerdmans, March)
Ideas like "gender stereotypes" weren't even on my radar three years ago but since they've landed here blazing I have to admit to having an increased interest in the role religion plays in them. Particularly, of course, my own faith. So in many ways I'm looking for good books on this subject.

As you can see my nonfiction interests veer pretty strongly towards books related to my faith.

I'd love to know what nonfiction books you're looking forward to and what else I should add to my radar!


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