Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Sunday Salon -- Disjointed Thoughts

I'm finally doing it. I'm finally reading The Hunger Games. And yes, everyone, so far so good! :) I think I'm about to spend a sleepless night reading!

I took Friday off this week but despite the pile of things I needed to get done, I really didn't get anything done. I seemed to run into frustrating situation after frustrating situation. But, I got a much needed mental break. And sometimes that can be good, too.

It's funny because once upon a time I was a monogamous reader, but now, I feel like there are so many books pulling at my attention that I must at least dig into a few pages of each. The sheer number of books on my shelves and in piles in my life alone is perhaps evidence that there can be such a thing as too much choice. But the startling thing is that I'll go to bookstores and still quickly find many more interesting titles.

I finished two readings for the LOST books challenge this week! Both were short (one was about five pages) but both were really good. What's amazing to me is that I probably never would have read these on my own. It's true that LOST has helped me to discover some gems of reading that I would have otherwise missed. My love for this show knows no bounds. I can't wait to blog more about them!

Also this week I'll be hosting a spot on the blog tour for The Kingmaking. And Stephanie Newton a new Love Inspired Suspense author is stopping by this week. Stephanie is really fantastic, just so very cool and I love her post, I think you will, too. Her book is pretty good, too. :)

My own reading goals include finishing The Hunger Games and then I'll go with wherever my mood takes me. Possibly more LOST reading. I also of course have several review books.

What's on your reading agenda for the week or even just today? Do you have the "too many choices" problem?



Anonymous said...

I definitely have the too many choices problem. I have about 60 books here to read, and that's not too bad, because usually I can isolate a few that I want to read soon, and if not I can go to the ARCs or library books. At home, though, I have probably about 300 books just in piles and choosing is totally overwhelming. I sit there looking through them for a very, very long time and just can't decide what's next.

I keep hearing about The Hunger Games, I'll have to read it!

Shonda said...

I have a lot of books sitting on my shelves at one time I was excited to read. As I started buying more, the excitement to read them have been replaced with newer titles. Why does this happen? That's a question I would like to know the answer to. I also have a stack of library books on my night stand that I would like to finish before their due dates (or before I max out my renewal times!) I find it hard to read several books (mysteries, fiction, young adult) at the same time. I can read a fiction and non-fiction together because I only read a chapter here and a chapter there in the non-fiction book. Listening to audio books while reading a fiction book is fine as well, as I only listen during my commute to and from work (and sometimes while during errands).

Maybe I'll try again to read two fiction books simultaneously. We'll see...

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

I would like to finish up "Kiss" by Ted Dekkar and Erin Healy. I don't have a lot left, and hopefully I'll get it done soon (maybe today or tomorrow). Next on my list is "The Shack", which I've been promising the man I'm seeing that I would read - he actually recommended it to me.

Anonymous said...

I used to be a monogamous reader too, but I find myself more and more reading two, sometimes three books at once. I usually like to have a non-fiction book that I can turn to just for a little change of pace. I'm readingThe Trimunph of Deborah now along with Jane Eyre and I'm soon as the library lets me know its available, I'm turning to True Colors by Kristin Hannah. At last count there were 35 ahead of my! Yikes! I hope you have an enjoyable Sunday!

Kailana said...

I have been considering reading Hunger Games but I haven't got around to picking up a copy! I hope you enjoy it! Happy Sunday!

bermudaonion said...

I'm still a monogamous reader, but do find it difficult to choose my next book, because I want to read them all next.

Jen said...

The Hunger Games is on my reading agenda for today too! I am about 50 pages into and moderately liking it. Can't wait to read your review!

samantha.1020 said...

I recently finished and enjoyed The Kingmaking. I'm definitely looking forward to the next book :)

Anonymous said...

I just added The Hunger Games to my TBR list. I have the same problem. I have about 7 books that all made their way out of the library queue and into my house and I'm trying to prioritize reading them by when they are due back.

I used to read one book at a time but now I read several. It also has to do with having kids. My daughter is reading one book aloud to me, I am reading one aloud to her, my youngest has nightly picture books, I have a book upstairs and a book downstairs, and we have two different audio books in the for me one for the kids. You would think it would be hard to keep the plots straight, but I somehow can do it.

Maybe it comes with being a mom, you have to multi-task or things can get disasterous.

S. Krishna said...

My problem is when I make a choice but I'm not really into's usually not the book, just a mood I get into when no book interests me. I'll keep picking books and starting them and then putting them aside after 5 pages! Usually that's my cue to go watch some TV instead of reading more.

Reverie said...

hello fellow Sunday saloner!!!

you've got quite an amazing book on your hands. Hunger games is one of my personal favorite and i read it months ago, but yet I'm still itching to see what happens next. I don't think i can wait till this fall when Catching Fire comes out. :(

oh and Lost rocks my socks!

Robin M said...

I have to laugh. Yes, I have too many choices and just increased those choices by 11 more. I try to be a monogamous reader, otherwise I get more stories mixed up. I can read a fiction book, plus a non fiction book, but I can't read two fiction books at the same time. I started reading Blood Bound by Patricia briggs last night while waiting for hubby to return home and it kept me reading far in to the night. Will probably be reading that today after I finish my art history homework. (which of course I should be doing right now - but needed a break)

I haven't read Hunger Games yet, will have to check it out.

serendipity_viv said...

You are so right about the too much choice issue. I have stacks of books to read and not enough hours to read them, without the other constraints in my life, like housework, children, ironing and cooking. I would love to be able to spend a whole day just reading.

Gavin said...

Oh, I hope you enjoy The Hunger Games. I plan on finishing To Siberia today. We'll see if it happens.

Amy said...

Meghan...totally overwhelming, that's exactly how I feel! I really do want to read them all!

Shon...I never thought I'd be this way, but I'm finding it's not as bad as I thought!

Shelley...I look forward to hearing what you think of The Shack!

Lisa...Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books!

Kailana..I've had my copy for awhile but this is the first time I decided I need to just take the plunge!

Bermudaonion..I know, me too!

Jen..will you post a review?

Samantha..I was worried I wouldn't like the was better than I thought! your comment! And how awesome that you are and your daughter are reading books to each other. I don't have the added stress of the library due dates, but I do have some review due date stress. :)

Swapna...that's the worst!!!! are good people. :)

Robin..I thought I'd get confused, but so far it hasn't really been a problem.

Scrap too!!

Amy said... far so good. I want to read To Siberia sometime. :)

J.C. Montgomery said...

A mental break is always a good thing. I take them often. Sometimes, I even plan them. LOL

Take heart, you do so much, so a break now and then will hopefully help keep it from becoming all overwhelming.

Anonymous said...

I used to be a monogamous reader, but I've strayed!

I have one "main" book that I'm reading, another one for the car (on-the-go, waiting at appts, etc.), and I've started listening to audiobooks when I run. So, I now have 3 going at any one time. The "main" book gets my prime reading time, though.

Ana S. said...

I definitely have the too many choices problem. I made a pile of books to read in March, and I want to start them all RIGHT NOW. My days as a monogamous reader are gone too, and I blame blogging :P

Melody said...

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Hunger Games! I've this book in my pile but just haven't got around to reading it yet. ;)

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