Thursday, January 1, 2009

Reviews for Buy One Book and Read It Challenge

Please put your blog name and book title (in parentheses) in the first box and the permalink to your review in the second! Thanks for participating in the challenge!


Edgy Inspirational Author said...

Okay, I am not sure what this is exactly so I am taking it and going by what it seems to mean. I have purchased four books for myself in the last month. SO if I read one of the books I bought then I meet the challenge? Is that it?

Me... said...

Ok, I posted on my blog! Maybe this will help my to be read pile stay low!

Julie said...

I love to read and go to bookstores so I thought this challenge was right up my alley. I'll be sure to post it on my blog too.

Anonymous said...

I love buying books, and perhaps this will help me read some of the books I purchase since my library books seem to get read and the books I buy always get shoved to the back of the pile.

Jena said...

So have you ever played Fluxx? 'cause this challenge sounds like a Fluxx action card. (I love that game. if you have friends who like games and will play with you, I highly recommend it.)

nbp said...

Hi Amy,
I have posted my book in my blog.

Beth F said...

I've posted a wrap-up post for this challenge. I've bought and read 12 books. I will, of course, continue to buy and read books, but I consider my obligations to this challenge complete!

Here is my wrap-up post.

Anonymous said...

I have Posted my review of Mrs Dalloway here :

Anonymous said...

Here is my second review for the challenge

Gently Falls The Bakula by Sudha Murthy

S. Krishna said...

Here's my wrap up post for the Buy a Book and Read It Challenge!

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