Thursday, December 4, 2008

Review: Flirting with Forty by Jane Porter + Giveaway

About the Book: He got the second home and the Porsche. She got the kids and a broken heart. Now Jackie, post-divorce and heading toward the big four-oh, is on vacation in sunny Hawaii and staring down her upcoming birthday-alone. But not for long. She's soon falling for Kai, her gorgeous, much younger surf instructor, and the wild passionate fling they have becomes the biggest surprise of Jackie's life.

Back home in Seattle, Jackie has to struggle with single parenthood...and memories of Kai. He hasn't forgotten her. Yet thousands of miles of ocean-not to mention an age difference that feels even wider-separate them. And, of course, her friends disapprove. When a choice must be made, can she, will she risk everything for her chance at happiness?

My Review: Oh, how I loved this book! I've been wanting to read Jane Porter's books for awhile, so when the opportunity to review this one came up, I jumped at it! I'm so glad I did, because this book was immensely enjoyable. I started reading it while waiting for my plane and didn't put it down until I was finished!

This book is alternately funny and touching, frustrating and heartbreaking. It's a celebration of friendship, of starting over, and truly knowing oneself. It's the kind of book that speaks about real life all the while breathing hope.

I've read some reviewers say they could really relate to Jackie and they think they enjoyed the book for that reason. I've read other reviewers say they couldn't relate to Jackie and that they wished she'd stop whining about her life.

I'm in my twenties and single. That did not diminish my enjoyment of this book at all. While I personally might not have made the same choices as Jackie, this book is more about making the choices that bring you peace, hope, and joy, than about having a fling with a younger man. Sometimes those choices are hard and feel embarrassing, but you only have one life. One of the endorsements on this book says that it's "life affirming" and I can't think of any better way to describe this treat of a book.

And guess what?!? It's going to be a movie on Lifetime!! The movie is on this weekend!! Saturday night at 9 PM (8 central) You don't want to miss it! Robert Buckley is in it!

Giveaway:I have 5 copies to give away of this book courtesy of the wonderful Hachette Book Group. To be eligible, you need a US or Canadian mailing address no PO Boxes. To enter, leave me a comment and tell me the title of the last book you read that made you feel good about life. For an additional entry, blog about this contest linking back to this post. For four additional entries, watch the movie on Lifetime on Saturday and then come back here and comment with your feelings about the movie.

You must leave an email address with your comment. I do not post the winners, since I do way too many giveaways for that. I will email you if you win. Contest closes December 15th at 1 PM PST.

Thanks everyone!


Anonymous said...

i liked it too, amy!

and, i am 39!

i don't think she was "whining" about her life.

i'm giving away the Jane Porter 4-pack of books on my side.... all of her novels.


Sue A. said...

The book sound like fun. It's had great reviews. The movie has a lot to live up to!

(I hope you can access my e-mail, if not leave a message here and I'll send it to you-thanks!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy:

No need to enter me - I'm just doing the tour! I think you said it very well - "this book is more about making the choices that bring you peace, hope, and joy". I too really enjoyed the book!

Alea said...

I'd love to enter! I think the last book I read that made me feel good about life was Perfect On Paper by Maria Murnane!

aleareads@gmail dot com

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

This one looks interesting.

I blogged it:

The last book I read that made me feel good about life was "The Paper Bag Christmas".

Toni said...

Hi there... no need to enter me. I enjoyed the book also... I am just doing the blog tour and visiting the Tour"ees" today. Great job!

Sunny said...

The last book I read that made me feel good about life? In a strange way I'd say The Shape of Mercy because today we don't have to worry about going along with our daily lives then out of the blue getting accused of being a witch and executed for it. I'd say life is pretty good these days!

Anonymous said...

Wow; great giveaway, tough question. Let me choice would be The Book of Nonsense. It's a children's book, but it was just fun to read!

Alyce said...

No need to enter me. I just wanted to stop by as part of the tour. Great review!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Amy! Great post. So glad you loved this book!

Kristi said...

Would love to win a copy of this book - looking forward to the movie! Assaulted by Joy by Stephen Simpson was the last book that I read that made me feel great!


Anonymous said...

Count me in!

cheryl c said...

I would love to win this book! The last book that I read that made me feel good about life was The Christmas Countess by Adrienne Basso.


Elena LaVictoire said...

It sounds like a remake of How Stella Got her Groove Back

Jo-Jo said...

The last book that made me feel good about life was Names My Sisters Call Me by Megan Crane...and I am offering a giveaway of this one myself until tomorrow.

Jo-Jo said...

I also blogged about your contest at

Thanks for hosting this contest!

Desert Rose said...

Thanks for this giveaway, please enter me

desert.rose598 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi. I would love to win a copy of this book.
The last book that made me feel good about life was... "The Paper Bag Christmas." It's a really inspirational book if you haven't read it yet. =)
I also blogged about this contest here:

Carmen T

a real librarian said...

I've read a lot of great reviews for this book! I'd love to be entered!


Anonymous said...

Forgot to leave my email address. haha.
Also, I would have loved to watch the movie since I love Heather Locklear. But I checked.. and we don't have Lifetime in Canada. =(
I guess I'll have to wait for it to come out on Lifetime DVD. They have some of the best movies.

Carmen T

Unknown said...

Can't watch the movie - no cable. However I recently read The Red Siren and really admire MaryLu Tyndall's heroine - Faith Westcott - for her spunk and willingness to go "out of bounds" to protect her younger sisters from the fate an older sister was forced into by strictures of society and their father.


Anonymous said...

Great review Amy. Don't forget everyone, Lifetime debuts the movie tomorrow at 9:00 PM.

Great movie review on Hollywood Today by Gabriella Pantera.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I forgot to comment on what book made me feel good about life, Jane Porter's The Frog Prince, it was my story when I read it, gave me the courage to step out of the box and continues to do so, I love this book.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to seeing this tomorrow night!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't see any whining either. Down on herself a few times, but I think most women going through a divorce with young children would probably experience that. I've seen family and friends do the same thing.

S. Krishna said...

Don't need to enter me, but I loved this one as well. Nice review! And yay chick lit!

Dina said...

I thought is was tonight and I missed it, I want to catch it tomorrow!

Please enter me, thank you,



.Books by TJ Baff said...

Don't enter me as I am part of the blogtour.
Just stopping by to say hello.
Nice review!

windycindy said...

I thoroughly enjoyed the book "Marley & Me" by John Grogan. I am an animal lover and dogs are my very favorite! Please enter me in your delightful book drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Meljprincess said...

The last book I read that made me feel good about life was: "The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy - and Why They Matter" by Marc Bekoff.

Mel K.
Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

Stormi said...

ohh phewy, I wanted to watch it but it comes on the same time this other movie is on I wanted to watch..wish I had I wanted to watch The Christmas Chior and it is on Hallmark at the same time..sniffles..hopefully it will be on again.

Sherrylinn said...

Sounds wonderful!
The last book I read that made me feel good about life was "Sincerely, Mayla" by Virginia Smith. I loved both of these so much I'm getting the rest of her books via Paperback Swap.

Mimi N said...

I'd love a chance to read this book. I just heard about it from another blogger. I recently read "Leave it to Chance" by Sherri Sand and it gave me hope that someone might like a single mom with 4 kids. :) Unfortunately, being a single mom of 4 kids I don't get cable so I won't get to see the movie! Bummer. :( Maybe someone will tape it for me. Thanks for the chance to win!

Mimi B

mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com

Theresa N. said...

I'd love to win this! My last read Daring Chloe by Laura Jensen Walker.
Theresa N

Anonymous said...

The book is nice but I find it strange that no one seems to think it's a bit too much like "How Stella got Her Groove Back".

Tarasview said...

The last book I read that made me feel good about life was... um... My Little Girl by Tim McGraw. Before that it was Finding Father Christmas by Robin Jones Gunn. Before that it was One Perfect Day by Lauraine Snelling...

That was just in the past week or two!

The Giveaway Diva said...

oh i would just love to win!! please include me in this!!

Anonymous said...

please enter me into this great contest! i love your blog and all the books you review!!!


Anonymous said...

please enter me in to win this great book!!

glittergurl04 AT

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