Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh the Politics

I won't share my political persuasions on this blog (partly b/c I'm not entirely sure of them myself), but that leads me a to question...

Does your opinion of someone change based on their political beliefs?

If you are a proud Democrat and find out someone is a Republican, do you think less of them?

If you are a passionate GOP'er and find out someone is a Democrat, do you think less of them?

If someone told you they don't vote, do they plummet in your personal estimation of them?

If so....why? Let's talk! And be nice!


bermudaonion said...

I'm not into politics much, so I really don't care if people are Republican or Democrat. I try to avoid political conversations. Why talk about dirt, when you can talk about books?

Serena said...

I don't care who is Democrat or Republican or Green Party or Libertarian...I only care about those that do not vote. It is your civic duty to vote. Civics seriously needs to be taught in schools because people are unaware of their duties as citizens of this nation.

Anonymous said...

I do feel differently about a person based on their political beliefs. There's a friend of mine who strongly supports one of the candidates and if it ended at that it'd be fine. Except she supports this candidate blindly, it's this party or no one, she can't handle any criticism about him, won't discuss the possibility that there might be negative aspects of his platform or whatever (even when the subject is brought up in a nonconfrontational way). I find that disturbing and I think less of her for it. I guess that says more about her as a person though and less about how I feel about her choice of political party.

Anonymous said...

I don't care which party people vote for as long as they vote. I feel that it is our responsibilty to do so.

I am very conservative. I hate when people see that as close minded. I have moral issues that I stand firm on and I always vote for the person whos voting morals match mine the closest. Does that make since?

I get aggrivated when people vote for someone because someone they know is voting for them. I think people should know who and why they are voting for someone.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the person above me who said they don't like when a person supports a candidate blindly. That bothers me more than anything else. I may not know a whole lot about politics but I do plan to listen and read as much as I can about the issues before I cast my vote. I don't even care that Ryan was wearing an Obama shirt. This doesn't sway my vote one bit (ok, maybe a tiny bit if we are being completely honest, but I'm still not voting for him just for that). :)

trish said...

It doesn't change my opinion, but I've found (being on the conservative side), that people like me less based on that. And they've told me so. Without letting me explain why I like/agree with something. :-(

Jena said...

Politics hurt my head, so I try to avoid any conversation, and when it comes to voting, I tend to go with what I feel is the lesser of two evils (and right now, I really want a third party, wildly idealistic and believably sincere dark-horse candidate).

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love election season. Good questions!

1) My opinion of a person generally doesn't change based on their political beliefs but more on why they have those beliefs. Dogmatic belief in anything is a turn-off for me. There are a few beliefs, however, that will make me re-think my opinion of or friendship with a person, but I'll spare you the details.

2)I don't automatically think less of people whose views are opposite from mine, but I wonder why they have those views and whether they can support them intelligently. If so, I can respect that; if not, then not so much. I'm very liberal, and my husband is a middle-of-the-road fiscal Republican. We're in a "mixed marriage," but it works well because we have great fiery arguments about it...but there are a few social issues that, if we didn't agree on them, would really affect the way I felt about him when we met and would have been major dealbreakers.

3) I wouldn't go so far as to say that my personal estimation of a person would plummet if I found out they didn't vote, but it would definitely drop. We all like to complain about our country's politics and talk about changes we want to see, but in my opinion, you don't get the privilege of complaining if you don't vote.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think less of people when they don't vote. It's your right to vote and you can't complain that something is wrong in this country if you haven't used your voice to attempt a change.

When it comes to party loyalties, it's different. Both of my parents are conservative and I'm liberal, which makes it difficult for me to prejudice against all conservatives, obviously. I don't appreciate close-mindedness. If you have a reason to be the other party, fine, but don't expect me to change my opinion because of what you think.

Anonymous said...

My opinion only changes if they can't support their choice. Know who you are voting for and why. Then be able to intelligently talk about your decision.

And for goodness sake - please vote!

Anonymous said...

I am passionate about politics (though unlike some of the commenters, I don't mind if people don't vote or whether they vote "blindly" - ultimately it's still their choice) though I have learned in the past to keep it offline. I will say my opinion doesn't immediately change upon hearing someones personal politics, but they're apt to change during a conversation.

Thomas said...

As someone who probably will not vote this election I find it curious why people would look down at me. The reason why I probably will not vote has to do with my struggle with being a citizen of heaven and a resident of America. Should I vote according my core beliefs? Should I vote according to what I think is best for this country even if it goes against some of my core beliefs? It is the churches responsibility to take of the poor and the sick. Should I vote for the person who would eliminate social security, Medicare, and unemployment knowing that the church will fail taking care of the elderly, sick, and the poor because most of the people in the church do not realize it is their responsibility to do so? Does it matter who is leading this country since my only concern should be living for Christ to the best of my abilities? Should I force others to live by my beliefs even if it goes against their belief?

If voting is the responsibility of every citizens of this country, should serving in the military be a responsibility of every citizen? If so, should I, a veteran, look down at everyone who does not serve in the military. Should I say that if you do not serve in the military you have no right to complain about the conditions of this country and how the military is being used?

Voting is as much a privlage as it is a responsibility. Whom am I to decide that they are not holding up their end of the deal because they decide not to vote because of their religious beleifs or because they quit caring because they believe that it does not matter who is running this country. I feel sorry for those people who vote because they feel forced to vote by the people who look down at them if they do not vote.

My life has been and continues to be change because I realized one day that I am a citizen of God's kingdom and it is my responsibility to allow God to establish His kingdom here on earth through me. It is amazing how I now look at things because of this change in me.


~ jen ~ said...

Non-voters irritate me. I'd rather vote for something I want and not get it, than to vote for something I don't want and get it.

Amy, you know where I stand here....I won't get all conspiracy-mad on your blog :-)

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled on this topic and found it interesting. I have to agree with those who voice the opinion that you should vote. I believe it is my Christian duty and as well as my civic duty to vote for individuals who most represent my Christian values. I tend to vote more conservative based on those Christian values. Of course I come from a deeply rooted military family and I know first hand what is sacrificed for the freedoms we have at home and those that our military fight for in other countries for other nations freedoms. Those who don't vote usually don't want to be bothered to research who would be best in office.

Flora said...

I find myself exasperated by pulpit-pounders of any variety...I have a friend who knows we don't see eye-to-eye. She takes every opportunity to proselytize me and treats me as if I were ignorant of my position (weak though it may be - I've voted for both major parties). I still call her a friend because I know her and it's really a huge testament to our friendship that she tolerates me at all, given her black and white outlook to my shade of gray. Do I think less of her? No, I just roll my eyes and keep my mouth shut. Does she think less of me? Probably.

Amy said...

I finally come back to this topic. Fascinating thoughts, everyone!

Well Thomas, I firmly believe that part of a democracy is the right not to vote as well as vote. But it's definitely a freedom not all countries enjoy. Shaun influenced my thoughts on this a lot, as well, but so has Texas in Africa. That's why I will be voting this year.

Flora, I agree with you, too, I think. Anyone not willing to listen to or even concede to another point of view exhausts me.

bookchronicle..I agree in regards to keeping it offline. ;) I even avoid it in everyday conversation.

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