Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Daily Raffle #3

Books and Coffee

Today's raffle is books and coffee...I know a lot of you drink coffee and love it! The prize is a ten dollar gift certificate to Amazon and a 15 dollar gift card to Starbucks. Should we have an international winner, I'll send them a bag of Starbucks coffee, so long as it doesn't violate the customs law for their country.

Leave a comment and tell me your favorite coffee speciality drink. I like peppermint mochas.


Traci said...

My guilty pleasure is a caramel frappuccino. Yum.


Ana S. said...

Cinnamon cappuccino. It's becoming a serious addiction.

untuneric at gmail dot com

Janssen said...

mm, that new frozen mint chocolate frappacino. YUM!

Anonymous said...

I love regular mochas in the winter, but all summer I was addicted to the Starbucks passion tea lemonade. MMMMM!

devourers (dot) books (at) gmail (dot) com

Julie P. said...

I like the Gingerbread Lattes from Starbucks. They are only available during the holiday season.

Anonymous said...

Soy green tea tastes good and it's a pretty color (if you like green). ;-)

KT Grant said...

Dunkin Donuts Large Skim Caramel Latte. At around $3, you can't beat that!

Holly said...

OH! I LOVE coffee. My only real vice. :-) I see a Starbucks and the car just sort of drives itself over there. :-)

I have a couple drinks that I rotate between: non-fat vanilla latte or 2-pump white chocolate mocha (otherwise its too sweet for me), and in the summer green tea frappuccinos! YUM! Oh man, now I'm craving coffee...thanks!


Anonymous said...

My favorite coffee specialty drink is a Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I love coffee... Can't live without it!

Caramel frappuccino is my favorite from a regular coffee shop, though I try not to indulge myself too often due to cost / calories.

Running side by side with it is the Caramel Moo-latte (Hey, it has coffee!) from DQ. 3/4 coffee, 1/4 soft serve ice cream, blended together with caramel. Yummy sinful goodness!

Jena said...

I like their steamers. I can't drink Starbucks coffee drinks (or coffee drinks in general) because they upset my stomach. But Starbucks especially; people have told me it's the acidity of their coffee. (It wasn't always so--I drank lots of Frappaccinos during my time in grad school.) I don't even like the tea at Starbucks.

So you may wonder why I'm bothering to comment here. Well, my sister is about to have her first kid (any day now), and my BIL is defending his dissertation this fall. And they both love Starbucks. So if I win, I'd like to have it sent to them, 'cause I think they'll need it. And they can use the Amazon card to buy some board books for little Ella (who's apparently already got a mind of her own; she's turned herself sideways and they're trying to reposition her so my sister doesn't need a C-section).

Anonymous said...

Just a mocha or a white mocha is my favorite.

Loving this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I usually drink tea -- Chai Tea Lattes are my favorite :)


Anonymous said...

Venti Soy Latte (w/ vanilla soy instead of vanilla syrup).

I've been drinking so many of those that I've filled two punch cards in two months (which is a lot for me).

Anonymous said...

Carmel Frappucino all the way for me. If I am feeling like I should be good then I will skip the whip.

rhapsodyinbooks said...

Whenever I have to spend hours and hours at the airport (a frequent occurrence when traveling these days), I "reward" myself with a Starbucks java chip frappaccino "light" (no whipped cream). Yum!!!

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

Mari said...

I LOVE the pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks when they come out in the fall. Soo good. Usually, I have plain ol' skinny lattes.

Anonymous said...

At Starbucks, I'm the Iced Green Tea drinker. I know, not coffee, but it's really yummy... plus, green tea helps you lose weight. Ah, thank God!

Anonymous said...

I love a good old vanilla latte. Love your posts and contests! What fun!

Deborah said...

i love the peppermint mochas too!

Cathy said...

For me it's Starbuck's Mocha Frappacino, with whip, of course.


Alyce said...

My favorite is a Mocha with whipped cream.

Anonymous said...

A great book of historical fiction along with an iced hazelnut frappaccino (sp?) is my idea of perfection.

Kathleen said...

I don't really like coffee but I LOVE iced cappuchinos. Especially from Tim Hortons. The ones from Starbucks are pretty good too. I've bought iced cappuchinos in the middle of winter, with 2 feet of snow outside. Boy did I get some looks! LOL.

Alicia said...

I LOVE the grande soy caramel macchiato from starbucks! yummy!

adw7984 (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

My favorite this summer has been the Iced Cafe Mocha - chocolate and coffee, what more could you ask for?

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

tea for me, hot not iced (ice tea is a HORRIBLE idea!) ... Irish tea, English tea, Earl Grey, Darjeeling, that's about the extent of my tea love :)

allisonmariecat said...

Oh, I LOVE peppermint mochas! Our Starbucks used to only have them during the holidays, and I was delighted this year when they stayed on the menu year-round :)

allison DOT campbell AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

The Peppermint mochas are the best! I love that you can get 'em year round, but Christmastime is best because they put the little red sprinkles on them. (I am pleased by simple things!)

Kris said...

my favorite coffee drink is a mint mocha frappacino. Yummy!!

froggykm at gmail

Nicola O. said...

Living in Seattle, becoming assimilated into the coffee culture was inevitable!

My usual drink is a grande vanilla non-fat latte. Yum!

Anonymous said...

White chocolate mocha!!!!


Crystal M. said...

My fav is mocha fraps... but around the holidays I always get peppermint mochas! Yum! Can't wait for the weather to cool off.
~Crystal M.

Unknown said...

Pumpkin Pie Mocha from my local indy coffee shop with Tiramisu Latte coming in a close second.


Anonymous said...

I like coffee but LOVE tea. Does this still qualify me for the contest? At Starbucks I get the Chai Tea Latte. An Indian friend introduced me to Chai and I've been a fan ever since.


Rebekah (monkeygirlsmama) said...

Ooh, pick me! Pick me! LOL

My favorite specialty coffee drink is probably the Starbucks Iced Carmel Macchiato. I also really really love their Pumpkin Spice Latte that is back for the fall/winter season. Mmmmm

littleminx at cox dot net

Cindy W said...

Venti Dulce Cinnamon Latte w/ Skim Milk and No Whip!

Anonymous said...

I like peppermint mochas, also. I like them so much, in fact, that our store's cafe manager ordered extra peppermint at the holidays, and I had 3-5 peppermint mochas per week all the way up through August. Then the pumpkin spice came in, and I'm on a pumpkin spice latte binge.

April said...

I really like the peppermint mochas also, but my absolute favorite is Pumpkin Spice latte!!! They are back in season, so I am thrilled to death and anxiously awaiting my next visit to Starbucks, lol!!

Anonymous said...

I love caramelized lattes.

Anonymous said...

I love caramelized lattes.

Anonymous said...

I can see I'm in good company here. Mine is a nonfat caramel latte !

Anonymous said...

I like Chai Tea latte myself.

Dina said...

I love different flavors, can't choose just one. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I have this down pat, I love Starbucks!
Cafe Vanilla Lite Frappuccino! No Whip

tanabata said...

I haven't been able to drink much coffee lately so I usually go for a skinny iced matcha (green tea) latte but if I do have coffee it's a simple skinny latte (iced all summer) with perhaps a shot of hazelnut if I'm in the mood for a bit of sweet.

Sandra said...

Iced Capuccino,yum!

Nise' said...

Hot Chocolate, Hot Teas, Caramel Apple Cider and Iced Green Tea.

Jen Forbus said...

I'm also a fan of hot chocolate, hot tea or hot cider...hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Peppermint mochas...hands down.

Bonnie said...

My favorite coffee is Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latter or their Caramel Machiatto!
Yum, I'll be going their tomorrow to meet some friends and will be indulging!! Thanks for the great giveaway. BBAW has been a lot of fun already!!

Jackie B. said...

MMMMM! I love everything I have ever tried at Starbucks. Don't know which is really my favorite. Depends on my mood and if I want cold or hot at the time. I have never tried the Chai Tea so that will be my order next time I go. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Pamela Fierro said...

Technically, it's not a coffee drink. I just don't like to drink coffee. Love the smell of it, love the flavor it. But can't drink it. So my favorite "coffee" drink is actually a Chai Tea Latte. It's great at Starbucks, but the best one is actually at Panera Bread. (Shhhh! Don't tell Starbucks I said so!)

Kara said...

I love French Vanilla Cappuccinos.

Tammy said...

Yum, double chocolaty chip frappuccino blended creme, it's delicious!

Anonymous said...

Just give me plain ol' coffee. This week has been so much fun so far - we forgive any mistakes you may have made.

Anonymous said...

I'm a tea drinker and at Starbucks I almost always buy the green tea. I'm just stuck on that for some reason. doot65{at}comcast[dot]net

Thoughts of Joy said...

I love peppermint mocha, as well! Mmmmm

Anonymous said...

Starbuck's Cinnamon Dulche Lattes. Yum!

nnjmom at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Ooooh I love their caramel apple cider. My favorite specialty coffee drink (since cider isn't coffee) is the pumpkin spice lattes.

raych said...

When I feel like I need a treat, I like caramel macchiatos (sp?).

Cedar Creek PTA said...

I like vanilla lattes the best, although around Christmas I have been known to indulge in the peppermint mochas.

Lenore Appelhans said...

I don't drink coffee, but I like the smell of it. And I like Starbucks Chai Tea!

Maureen said...

I don't drink coffee but I love Starbucks tea.

Jessica said...

I usually drink iced mochas, but around the holidays, I love to order a hot gingerbread mocha. It feels like fall or winter to me.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...coffeeeeeeee. Haven't been to Starbucks in...forever, but I sure like a Tim Horton's English toffee cappuccino, XL!

Anonymous said...

Double Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel! Yummy - tastes the best on a cold, rainy day :)

Serena said...

I love french vanilla coffee and iced mochas! Thanks for holding these contests.

Wendy said...

The oreo cookies coffee is delicious

Anonymous said...

I dream of mocha frappucinos

Ladytink_534 said...

Mmm peppermint Mochas are yummy but I love a Frozen Caramel Mocha too.

darbyscloset said...

Starbucks Vanilla Chai Tea .... yummy!!! Throw in a scone too!
darbyscloset (at) yahoo (dot) com

Mindy Withrow said...

In hot weather, mine is an Iced Sugar-Free Vanilla Two-Splendas Americano with just a bit of room for cream. Easy on the waistline and delicious!

Anonymous said...

White mochas are about the only coffee that I enjoy, but they are sooooo delicious! I think your peppermint might be pretty good too, I'll have to try that.

Anonymous said...

Definitely Starbucks HOT Chai Latte with "extra spice". Y'know "vente chai latte 9-pumper"

Dina said...

Dina said...
I love different flavors, can't choose just one. :)

Wed Sep 17, 12:05:00 PM

Sorry, forgot my email addy:


a real librarian said...

I love Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Dolce de Leche Lattes from Starbucks - YUM! Thanks for the giveaway!!


Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Well, I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love the Peppermint Hot Chocolate!

Krista said...

Favorite coffee drink... mocha granita!
And by the way? You're killing my feed reader! 21 posts in 2 days??? Who has time to read all that?!!!

Unknown said...

The Seattle's Best White Mocha is seriously the best! They even put little white chocolate shavings on top of the whipped cream. Yum! Fun Giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My standby is a vanilla hazelnut latte. Yum! (I think Starbucks calls it a French Vanilla latte.) What a fun giveaway!

hannahDOTfree AT

Samantha said...

Peppermint Mochas are my favorite too. I love getting them in the fall and winter when I have to trudge to my classes in the cold around campus. *drools thinking of them* :P


Anonymous said...

BBAW party at Starbucks next year?

Anyway, non-fat decaf pumpkin spice latte no whip with extra foam

NO comments about George Carlin, please.

And, hey, look, it's an international giveaway. Rock on, Amy.

Aerinblogs AT aol DOT com

Ali said...

I like me a Caramel Frappuccino at Starbucks, but another coffee shop had one called something like Caramel Turtle Mocha that was past amazing. I dream about that drink sometimes.

Amanda said...

Oh My God. I'm so happy that it's fall again. I had coffee with a friend the other day at Starbucks, and I was so excited to see that the PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE is back. It's my absolute favorite, too bad it's seasonal. My next favorite is the white chocolate peppermint mocha at starbucks as well. Either that or the Teddy Bear at Biggby's.


Anonymous said...

A single tall mocha or a drink with carmel

Madeleine said...

I have a love affaire with Cappuchino with LOTS of foam

madeleine444 AT gmail DOT com

Bunny B said...

I'm not a coffee drinker, but if I win, I'm sure my MIL would enjoy it! :) Thanks!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Anonymous said...

I live for chai lattes! And they're best with vanilla syrup. Nothing makes me happier in the morning than a tasty vanilla chai (sweet and spicy in all the right ways!)

Reading and Ruminations

Anonymous said...

Hot Spiced Chai Tea perfect for this time of year

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Oh gosh, coffee is lovely.
My favorite drink is a mocha frappicino. So awesome!


lauren51990 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the Caramel Mocchiato....I think I spelled that right? LOL anyway it's a fabulous cold coffee drink!

Anonymous said...

I like mochalicious or whatever has chocolate in it :)

Amy said...

White Chocolate Mocha! I don't function without coffee in the morning.:)

windycindy said...

Hi, I like coffee from decaf to regular. Then, the flavored ones are all delicious! I especially like hazelnut flavoring. Please enter me in your delightful drawing. I really appreciate it! Thanks, Cindi

Tarasview said...

I love ice caps from Tim Horton's (here in Canada).

chrisa511 said...

My favorite coffee shop drink is an iced mocha! Simple yet delicious. But my favorite seasonal coffee drink is Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte....yum!

Anonymous said...

Those Pumpkin Latte's that Starbucks only has once a year. yum.

CrystalGB said...

I like caramel frappaccinos.

S. Krishna said...

Cafe latte. I got addicted to them in Italy!

Lindsey said...

My favorite coffee drink (Starbucks!) is a white chocolate mocha with a shot of real caramel. Yum! Thanks!

ladyufshalott at

Anita Yancey said...

I just like flavored coffees, and my favorite is pumpkin spice.Yum great on a cold day.

nadine said...

i like good ole cappuccinos

MaMa said...

Hands down = Vanilla Hazelnut latte... Yum O! Thanks for hosting.


mistyfuji [at] yahoo [dot] com

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