Monday, September 17, 2007

2007 Christmas music!

I love Christmas music! Maybe even as much as my brother-in-law does.

I finally got my lazy self around to investigating what Christian artists would be releasing new stuff this year. As you know, Christmas music is usually released in September and October so it has as much exposure as possible. And it's going to be another great year!

Jars of Clay! Bebo Norman! Michael W. Smith!

All of them have pretty great pre-order deals in effect as well, so consider this being me spreading the word. Go check out their websites and buy now even if you keep it hidden until the first of December. I won't be doing that naturally, but to each their own!


ldperez said...

sorry, amers, i'm just now reading this. your brother-in-law has already pulled out the christmas music also. im already a little tired of sarah machlaughlin (sp?) singing that river song. oh, well. we don't have fall here so skip right ahead towards christmas, right?

Amy said...

I saw that on facebook! I left a message for him. that is so funny. well, you could always put in bugs slugs and lullabyes again!

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