Monday, August 13, 2007


As I have stated on here several times before, I sponsor a child in the country of Bangladesh. Her name is Shampa and she turned six this past April.

One of the reasons I chose a child from Bangladesh is because it's a country I rarely think about. I wanted God to give me a new love and concern for the people of this oft forgotten country.

He has.

Recently, you may have heard of the floods in Bangladesh. 38 of 64 districts in Bangladesh have been affected. People are being displaced from their homes and losing their jobs. Many are being affected by waterborne diseases and the medical facilities are overwhelmed.

Please, if you have the time or the heart, pray for the people of Bangladesh. Pray for the at least 7 Compassion centers that have been directly affected by this flooding.


Chaotic Hammer said...

Praying with you for the people of Bangladesh.

A few years ago, a children's choir called Children of the World (from a ministry called World Help) visited our church in California, and for a few days we got to host a few of the girls. One was from Bangladesh, and we were very touched by her testimony and what life is like for her in Bangladesh.

So like you, my wife and I have a soft spot for that area of the world and those people. Thanks for this information (I don't watch much news and had not heard about this).

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