Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Make New Friends, But Keep the Old

I had a fantastic weekend in St. Louis. The beautiful location of most of my growing up years greeted me with chilly fall weather, gorgeous fall leaves, and best of all old friends! It was such a blast catching up with everyone, poring over old yearbooks and laughing at the people we used to be, and eating good food.
Life may take us in many directions, but it's good to have a place to call home and people who share our memories and continue to walk with us in the present. There is something undeniably sweet about old friends.
Here's to a future of love, laughter, hopes, and dreams, and a past that shaped us and lives in us.....


kathryn said...

i love that old song: "make new friends, but keep the old. one is silver and the other's gold."

So glad you had a wonderful time away!!!

~ jen ~ said...

WOW!Undeniably sweet? Us? How wonderful of a compliment is that?! Super coolio, Amy. I'm so glad you had a good time in StL.

Can you believe its been in the mid 70's since you left? And tonight a cold front is gonna dump rain and *gulp* potential snow on us?! Do you miss that random weather or what?

BTW, we miss you and can hardly wait til we meet again!

Amy said...

LOL! Did you get your comp fixed? Old friends are the best! You had no idea how much sentimentality I had stored up inside of me did you? I miss you all too...can't wait for the next reunion!

Mindy said...

Aww, I remember when we video'ed my visit to St. Louis. Now, that's entertainment!!

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