Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Adrian Mole, Random Spam, Amazon, etc...

So today during a session, I had one intense moment of wanting to study Japanese. I am currently waiting on some books from Amazon to facilitate this process, so that one brilliant moment was wasted. I'm not very disciplined when it comes to language study, no matter how much I want to be able to communicate. So it felt like a royal waste. In the meantime, I'm wondering....where in the world are those books?? I ordered them what feels like ages ago and they still haven't even shipped them! And they all said they should ship within 24 hours. In fact, they have even shipped some books I ordered since then!! (i'm a book-a-holic) It's a mystery to me!

I got the weirdest spam message the other day. I get like thousands of spam in my yahoo accounts and sometimes I glance through them to make sure I'm not missing anything important. One said..."Will Zarqawi's death bring peace to Iraq? Get a 500 dollar gift card!" It was the strangest email subject I have ever seen!

And lastly, I have been reading The Diaries of Adrian Mole. Where has this book been hiding my whole life???? It's a great laugh, absolutely exquisite, I recommend it fully!!!!


Amy said...

the first book is called the secret diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 and 3/4. It's the diary of a British pre-teen and it's soooo funny! if you love Brit humor you'll be fully entertained!!

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