Saturday, April 8, 2006

My Food Survey

this is an audio post - click to play


~ jen ~ said...

AMERICAN FOOD AS A FAVORITE?! Who are these people? Anyway, I think that is boring....I love all kinds of food...Mexican included(thanks Rick Bayless for your "Mexico: One Plate at a Time") Currently, my favorites are Indian and Middle Eastern, and Italian is always near the top of my list.

Branch out folks, try new foods. BE ADVENTUROUS WITH YOUR TASTE BUDS!!!!

Amy said...

THANK YOU for saying Italian. Not a single person has mentioned that so far, and I find that so odd. Truly great Italian (i'm not talking fazoli's or prego spaghetti sauce here) is hard to beat for me. But, alas, I have a huge weakness for good Asia as well....fresh sashimi...YUM.

Amy said...

yikes, I meant Asian food...

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